Chapter 9

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"So Jade I've told you my story. How about yours?" Asked Ash
"Well..." Said Jade.

"Well I was born in Viridian city. I had a mom and a dad named Mark and Cileigh. They were amazing parents.
But then, one day we went and got ice-cream.
When we got it and ate it we headed home.
On the way there two team rocket members jumped out.
They stole all there money and killed them.
B-b-before they were killed the said I love you and to run.
I ran a long ways and fell asleep on a bench in the park.
When I woke up there was a man. He asked me why I was there and I told him everything.
He was very sad and then asked if I had any other family. I said no.
He then enrolled me in an orphanage. There was many kids there and I made alot of friends.
I never got adopted though.
So when I turned ten I was able to leave and go on my journey.
I went to prof. Oaks and met you." Jade said when she got to her parents dying she cried but Ash hugged her.
"I'm sorry Jade." Ash said
"It's okay." She replied "it's getting late let's go to bed." They then went to sleep.
In the morning they woke up and ate breakfast with Paul, Gary, Richie, and Tobias.
They then went down to the Pokemon center to see the matchups.
(I don't know if I've told you this or not but there are many pokemon centers on the island and one in every hotel)
Ash was against a guy named Mark. And everyone else was against people they didn't know.
Everyone then went to they're matches with Jade going to Ash's.

"This is a one on one battle between Mark Della and Satoshi Hikari. Moves such as baton pass are not allowed let the battle begin." Said the referee
"Alright let's go Blastoise." Yelled Mark.
"Lend me your aura Houndoom." Said Ash.
"A fire type. Is this guy for real? Mark asked in a cocky manner.
Ash just stayed silent.
"Blastoise Hydro-pump." Yelled Mark.
Blastoise shot a torrent of water at Houndoom.
"Jump" was all Ash said.
Houndoom jumped over the water.
"Now use flamethrower on the ground to get higher and use thunder/fire fang combo." Said Ash
Houndoom gained more altitude by firing a stream of fire out of his mouth then his left fang glowed yellow with electricity and his right glow red with fire. He sunk his teeth into Blastoise causing electricity to run through it. The fire made smoke and once it cleared it showed a fainted Blastoise and a perfectly fine Houndoom.
"Blastoise is unable to battle which make Satoshi and Houndoom the winners." Said the referee
Mark was flabbergasted he recalled his Blastoise and walked out.
There were only ten people in the stands but they were still suprised.
The reason there weren't so many people in the stands was because most of the people had come to cheer on they're fans and family and they had never heard of Satoshi but if that wasn't the case they would have definitely came to watch the man who beat Lance.
Ash shrugged his shoulders his shoulders and walked out of the stadium where he was met by Jade.
"Wow that was great. I'm so glad I came. I have already learned so much." She said
"Gee thanks Jade" said Ash. "Could you head over to the hotel I've got
something to do." He said to which Jade nodded and ran off.

Timeskip 20 minutes later

Ash had been walking to the forest. He was about five minute away when he ran into his old friends.
"Satoshi we've been looking everywhere for you." Said Max
"Really, why is that?" Satoshi asked even though he knew the answer.
"What do you mean? Why wouldn't we be looking for you? We meet you then you run off saying you have something to do and then the next day you beat the champion of kanto." Yelled Misty.
"How did you do that?" Asked Brock
"That was all pure luck." Said Ash.
"I think that was more than luck my boy." Said the voice of norman maple "Actually I think that was all skill." He said
"You think so?"asked Ash with gritted teeth
"Of course." Said Norman
"What was that you said about intense training?" Asked May which made him blush.
"T-t-that was just an intimidation tactic." Ash said stuttering for more than one reason.
"Ok cool." Said max
"I don't mean to be rude but I have to train my pokemon." Ash said
"It's okay we understand. Right?" Brock said looking around.
"Right." They said in unison.
So Ash started walking again.

Ash walked into the forest and called out Lucario. Pikachu crawled out of his backpack where he was hiding.
"Alright Lucario try and sense a large mass of auras that aren't the tournament but in the forest I'm guessing there are ten team Revenge bases on the island other than that there are probably 500 scattered around the regions which isn't that many compared to when they were not United." Ash said
They then closed there eyes and concentrated.

10 minutes later

"Master I sense something." Lucario said through aura.
"Alright lead the way." Said Ash.
They started walking through the woods.
Half and hour later they came to a cave.
"I sense them below us." Said Lucario through aura.
Ash walked into the cave and closed his eyes.
He then opened them and walked up to the wall.
He reached over and pushed part of the wall in revealing a large stair case.
Ash closed his eyes and concentrated.
"About two hundred all in the same room." Ash said "probably eight pokemon counting you two."
"Lend me your auras." He said as he threw 6 pokeballs.
Out came absol, poliwrath, Tyranitar, Sylveon, Beedrill, and Typhlosion.
"Alright guys team Revenge base." Ash said.
They then stormed into the base and walked outside the room that everyone was in.
Ash and Lucario each shot an aura sphere at the two guards guarding the door.
Ash pressed his ear to the door and listened.
"They are having a meeting. I don't know what about but it's obviously not that important because the one speaking is gloating about himself." Ash explained
"Alright Tyranitar when I say run in there and use an earthquake strong enough to knock them over but not to hurt us. Then we all run in there and fire attacks." Ash said and they nodded.
"Alright now." He said a little louder
Tyranitar ran in and used earthquake which knocked them all on the ground.
Ash and his Pokemon all ran in and started firing attacks.
Ash ran twords the admin taking out five grunts with aura spheres along the way.
When he got there the admin started talking. "So the rumors were true you are still alive."
"Nope you got it all wrong. I come from hell." Ash said
The admin then ran at him and tried to punch him but he blocked it.
He then went for his own punch but the admin blocked it and kneed him in the gut which caught him by surprise. He recovered quickly though and took the admins arm which he still held and flipped him behind him.
Five grunts then ran at him with knives but one powerful aura sphere killed them all. He heard the admin running at him.
Ash turned around just in time to see the admin stab his side with a knife.
He cried out in pain and hit him on the head with and aura infused punch which killed him easily.
He turned to watch Poliwrath kill the last grunt with a powerful Hydro-pump.
The Pokemon turned to see there master bleeding and ran up to him with worry.
"I'm fine guys I'll live I just need to get it treated."
He then recalled all of them but Lucario and Pikachu.
He then called out Gardivor.
"Could you teleport us to our room please?" He asked and she nodded.
They were enveloped in a white light and were in his room.
He recalled Gardivor and saw Jade, Paul, Gary, Richie, And Tobias looking at him with worry.
"Can I get a wet rag?" He asked calmly even though it hurt like hell as he grabbed the first aid kit and sat on the couch.
He heard scrambling as Gary ran to the sink and wet a rag.
Gary then handed him a rag.
"What the hell happened!?" Asked Paul as he finally got out of his shocked state along with the others.
"Give me a minute." Said Ash as he cleaned all the blood off his body.
Then he too a bandage and started wrapping it around himself.
When he finished he saw his friends sitting on the couch so he put his pokewatch on the coffee table and said "I'm going to bed." He then played what had happened the past hour to them.
(Forgot to mention this but professor Oak also gave Paul, Richie, Gary, and Tobias a pokewatch)

Sorry for not posting in a while and the short chapter but that's all that needs to be said here so
..................... PEACE.

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