Chapter 22

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Ash sighed as he closed the door to his hotel room. He walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. There was a large assortment of snacks from which Ash got to choose from. Ash simply picked up a red apple and started munching on it. He took off his backpack that he always carried around at him and looked at his beloved partner who was staring at hi. "Well... A training night wouldn't be so bad would it?" He asked with a grin appearing on his face. "PIKA" was the reply from the mouse who had already hopped on his shoulder.

He walked out of his room, and then the whole hotel. He then strolled down the dark and quiet streets. There was the occasional street lamp, but other than that he was being led only by the moon's light. It was quiet and all the nocturnal pokemon were coming out to play. He decided to go to his favorite pokemon center before he got to training. 

He walked through the automatic glass doors, to hear the familiar dinging sound when you enter a pokemon center. He looked forward to the desk, to see nurse Joy, sitting their. She looked more distressed than usual. "Ash? Is that you?" She asked as he walked up to the desk. "Jeez, I know this is a different sweatshirt, but it really isn't different from my old outfit." Ash stated looking down at his new black sweatshirt.

"DUDE!" She exclaimed jumping up. "That fight you did at the beach. THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "Um, isn't there people trying to sleep?" He asked her after her weird outburst. "Y-your right." she said quietly. "Anyways..." He started looking at her weirdly. "One of the reasons I came here was to ask you if you are a doctor for humans too, because my friend brock was the one who fixed me up, and he's mainly a pokemon doctor, so I need someone to double check..." Ash trailed off.

The nurse smiled. "Sure come back here." She said walking off behind the counter. Ash walked around the side and followed her. She pointed to the table and instructed him to take his shirt and pants off and lay there. He did as instructed and laid down. He had not taken the bandages off yet, because he was still hurting and sore, just not as much as before.

The nurse brought over some scissors and cut all his bandages off. After they were all removed she gasped at all the wounds he had acquired, she glared at him and told him that he shouldn't have been so reckless. "Hey... your the one that said it was 'TOTALLY AWESOME.'"

She checked it over and saw that everything was in check, almost. Towards the end she say something that shocked her, that Ash didn't notice. "You do know you have 2 fractured bones in your leg right?" She asked. "Um.... No?" Ash asked also surprised. The nurse sighed at the boys words and grabbed a cast and put it on him, she then redid all of the bandages and told him to take it easy, knowing that he probably wouldn't. She allowed him to leave and he did.

Ash walked into the clearing, that was still pretty wrecked from all of his training, that he usually trained in. As he broke through the tree line, he saw a blue bipedal pokemon, and a purple human-like pokemon who was floating, both of them had their eyes closed meditating. "Hi guys." They both opened their eyes calmly. "Hello, master." They said in unison. "Oh, not you too, Mewtwo!" He exclaimed. "I've gotten him to do it, as a punishment for your recklessness. A human fighting Arceus, after just battling an army, is just downright stupid. Even the dumbest man on Earth wouldn't have been so stupid to pull of a stunt like you did master. So, I have decided I will call you master more often now, as punishment." Lucario finished looking dignified. Ash simply deadpanned at his explanation. "Where are the others?" He asked getting back to business. "They reside in the Hall of Origin, trying to sort everything out with the other legendary and mythic pokemon. They are helping as much as they can and may not return for at least another 5 days." Explained the clone pokemon. Ash nodded in response, understanding fully. 

Ash pulled his duffel bag of pokeballs from his backpack and released all his pokemon. "Alright you guys, sparring, Lucario and I will not take place today as he also needs to rest. Take it lightly as most of you are still partially injured, I'm looking at you Charizard and Pikachu." Ash said with a deadpan. "Also, if your with the newbies, take it even more easy, don't let them beat you, but don't knock them out. They still need to learn." Ash finished, walking to the edge of the clearing and leaning against a tree that had a tree right next to it, which his Lucario sat at. He got into a meditating stance and closing his eyes. After awhile his aura vision turned on and he could feel all the aura in his body and all the beings around him.

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