Chapter 1

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15 year old Ash Ketchum is on his way home to Pallet Town. After losing to the mysterious trainer Tobias who used two legendary pokemon. He placed top 4 in the Sinnoh league."Well looks like we lost another one buddy." Said a 15 year old Ash Ketchum."Pika pik Pikachu" said his most trusted partner Pikachu."

Your right buddy I shouldn't get discouraged. Now I can see Pallet. Race you!" Said Ash running."PIKA" said Pikachu also running.

Time skip

"Yes I win." Said Ash starting to dance around before getting hit by a thunder shock.
"Ahhhhh" "Your right it was a tie." Ash said sheepishly.
"Pika" Pikachu said agreeing.

Ash said open the door in his greeted by a bone-crushing hug."Ash I missed you so much" said his mother.

"Oh you too pikachu." Delia said rubbing him behind the ears earning a soft cooeeee.
"Oh Ash all your friends are here too"
"Really!" said Ash running into living room
He was greeted by the sight of Misty, Brock, Gary, May, and Dawn.
"Congratulations Ash" they all said together.
"Aahhh guys thanks" Ash said

They all stood around talking about what they had been doing lately. Eventually Ash said he wanted to go see his Pokemon at the coral. So the entire group excluding Delia went to the professor's lab.

When they got there the professor greeted Ash with a warm hug and congratulated him in placing top four in the league.

Ash thanked him and went out back where he was trampled by all of his Pokemon.After a while they all got up and started playing a round. About 2 hours later the group decided to go back to Ash's house. They said goodbye to the professor and headed on their way.

When they got to Ash's house they were greeted by the worst sight any of them had seen in their lives. The house was on fire and Delia was outside surrounded by three team rocket grunts. As soon as they saw Ash they started to run.
Ash run up to his mother and saw there was a knife in her chest.

His mother very shake-fully said "Ash I'm leaving this world."
"Mom don't talk like that." "Your going to be fine." Ash said crying.
"Don't lie Ash."
"There are a few things I would like to tell you." " One no matter what you think it's not your fault. Two always be strong don't let hate cloud your judgement. Three be strong you can achieve your dream. Four don't forget to change your underwear." She said weakly laughing. " And five remember that I always love you know matter what." As she said this her body fell limp."NOOOOOOOOO MOOOOMMMM" Ash screamed.

Time skip a few days later

Ash was staring at his mother's newly dug grave crying. He hadn't gotten any sleep since the incident. He walked home it was 10 p.m. There wasn't that much damage on the house. He sat on the couch staring at the ceiling. His friends had to go home and they were sorry they couldn't stay.

He was thinking about how his mother died when they was a knock on the door.Getting up he walked to the door and opened it. He was surprised to find all of his friends parents.

"Hi" he said in a low tone."What brings you here tonight. He gestured for them to come in and sit down to which they complied. After they sat down Norman said in a comforting tone " We wanted to say we are sorry for your lost." Ash said "thanks" Norman then asked "So how exactly did you mom die." Ash then started "well I came home and saw the house was on fire and there was three rocket grunts standing by my mom's body and---" Ash was cut off by a furious Norman "I think it was your fault." Ash was shocked he then continued "Think about it.... you've been messing with they're plans for years. So they must have came here for payback and kill your mother. Ash was mad he was saying this and just kept quiet " so that would mean you are a danger to our kids and therefore I ban you from seeing them again. You are no longer allowed to be they're friend. Now you are going to leave and never come back!" Yelled Norman the others all agreeing.

Ash ran out of the house and to the professor's lab. He found the professor and told him what say the professor was furious was an understatement. Ash told him to calm down. He then asked him if he could upgrade his carry limit to infinite. The professor gave him a watch. "He said this is a pokewatch. It allows you to carry infinite Pokemon, let's you call people, gives you a map, let's you record a video, let's you store potions, and has all of the other qualities of a Pokedex."explained professor Oak.
"Thank you professor." Said Ash

While Ash gathered up all of his pokeballs and went out back to explain the situation to his Pokemon. Is Pokemon were furious and said they would never betray him.

After he recalled all of his Pokemon the professor asked. "Where are you going" " I am going to Mt. Silver to train." The professor was shocked he then said "Well there's no stopping you but be careful that's where all the strongest Pokemon in the world live." I know professor I know." Ash said "Well I guess this is goodbye" Ash said as he called out Charizard and took to the sky's.

Time skip 6 years later on top of Mt. Silver

"Master are you thinking of that day again" Said a blue jackal like Pokemon. "Yes I am Lucario I can't wait to get my revenge on them. And how many times have I told you to stop calling me master." "About 384,903,485,097 times master." Said the now identified Lucario.

Ash sighed and walked off. He was walking for awhile and thinking of how he met Lucario.


Ash was training his Pokemon to they're fullest. After a year on the mountain they were growing extremely powerful. Powerful enough to beat a legendary pokemon. Ash was observing when he heard a rustling in the bushes. He turned around to find a Riolu staring at him. The Riolu then jumped in his arms and started licking him. Hey your that Riolu that I saved from hunter J." Riolu nodded it's head and then pointed at a pokeballs. "You want to join me Riolu nodded his head "welcome to the team" Ash said capturing him.

Flashback end

Ash's thoughts were interrupted by a Pidgey who landed in front of him.the Pidgey looked exhausted as he handed him a letter and flew off. The letter read-

Dear Satoshi Hikari, you are invited to the Masters tournament held on May 14. On a island called Balla it is a paradise. All the powerful trainers, gym leaders, elite four, and champions of each region will be invited. If you are interested hand this invitation to the Pokemon center on Balla island.

- sincerely Pokemon league president Charles Goodshow.

p.s. damn Ash you are one hard man to find. If you want more details on the tournament then meet me in the viridian forest in the morning on May 1

- Scott

As he finished the letter he thought it was April 29 he had to meet Scott in two days. 'It is time for Ash Ketchum to return.' he thought.

Disclaimer I do not own Pokemon.

- 1221 words

Alright guys this is my first story so go easy on me and tell me if you like it. So with that I would like to thank you for reading and peace out

- D1amondGamer

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