The Hidden Enjolras

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The shadows that once I saw like threads, now seemed to be my beloved shelter.

A place where I could smile with my thoughts without feeling any regret.
A place where I could feel safe to be someone I was so rarely... -myself. Enjolras, who has the right to be scared, who has the right to be a young, free man, without the weight of the world in his back.
Enjolras who had the right to think about his own life, about his own future, his own feelings...
This was my hidden Enjolras.

But these moments are so rare as also short, and, before I could understand it, the precious moment had passed. I had reached my house and with it, I had returned to my responsibilities.

I unlocked the door and went inside staring at my feet. I should have some rest.


I woke up with excitement this morning. I didn't know the exact reason, I just felt like that.

I made my way to the university. Maybe she is also there... But why am I thinking about her? My life -and her's don't count at all beside the justice that must be established in the world. But she -she is the one that lit the flame inside me... She inspired me to try, to make my dream come true, by giving me the hope I lacked of. So, was I thinking about myself and my own desires or was this woman combined in my mind with the idea of the revolution? Could this girl have a place in my heart beside my love for freedom? Would be that possible? And first of all, why would any woman want to share her partner's love with an idea that is nailed in his head? What am I thinking? We are not partners -and we will probably never be.

What is wrong with you Enjolras? Why do you ask for more troubles? Isn't enough for you the weight that you already carry?

I try to persuade myself that she is only a temptation. A temporary feeling that could only distract me from my aim. I just admire her ideas, I am excited to finally find a female that does not except the inferiority of her gender like society would like her to do. She is not taught like that. She's just different and have catched my attention, my interest...

But isn't this something special? Is it usual to finally find a person -especially a woman, who can understand you and even help you understand yourself? Isn't this important?

I have reached the university without knowing how and when. I was completely buried in my thoughts while I walked and even if someone greeted me, I probably didn't hear him.

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