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Y/N's POV:

Many days passed since me and Enjolras had this discussion. I was now a real -yet still semi-secret member of les Amis de l'ABC with objective ideas and suggestions that were accepted and been used many times in the plans for the revolution. The people had rised and many were those who craved equality and justice from the society.
Theo was also getting better day by day and, one happy morning of February, Joly announced that it finally could be safe for him to return home. Although his illness was gone, he was not so strong and healthy as before. But that seemed to me as an unimportant minor detail when I was facing the happy news of his recovery.
Somehow he managed to go back to the university and his studies as quick as he left them and soon enough everything in our day routine seemed to be in its previous normal form, if we except the fact that we came even closer after the thread of his early death. It was like we were united, the one with the other. And when the one was falling apart, the other helped them rise up and stand on their feet again. Fate kept us surviving together for one time more...


Enjolras's POV:

It was finally spring, and this spring came also with the joy of life.
And i craved life as I never had before.
For the first time in my life I could use we to express something about my life. All these years I used I and they, I was separated from the world, only wishing to have a chance to tribute myself for it.
But with her... With Claudel my point of view changed and suddendly I became part of the world I loved so much.
Although our love started to bloom with the flowers, we kept it secret, we kept it safe...
Only one person realized there was something different between me and y/n -'R. Somehow somewhere between his drinks and philosophical eruptions, his clever eyes had managed to catch every suspicious smile or movement that the others never took notice of...


Y/N's POV:

It was a late March afternoon at the Café and les Amis had a very energetic discussion. To say the truth they couldn't come to a total agreement and their argumentative voices raised up in a tone where you couldn't even listen what they were saying. That had happened one time before and the only persons that seemed to be really annoyed with this situation were -again- Grantaire and me.

I walked to the window and let the wind brush my face to relax. At this moment I wanted so hard to isolate myself from the external sounds -the loud voices of Bahorel and Combeferre and the argumentative answers of Enjolras and the facts that Feuilly quoted at the same time...

I turned my face and saw 'R coming towards me holding a quite new closed wine bottle.

"I think you need some" he said, offering me the bottle.

"Yes, thank you" I answered "It would be calming" I added. "Sometimes I think that if I was supposed to argue every day with all of them I would have become -no offence, an alcoholic. "

He laughed.

"What happened this time?" I asked, without being entirely sure that I wanted to know the answer.

"Marius happened. The young man told something that it could be heard as a positive bonapartist comment and...boom! Everyone's mood was suddenly spoiled." he rested his back on the window beside me while we were watching the chaos in front of our eyes. Then he leaned to my ear and whispered teasingly:
"I think that everyone is overreacting at the moment, but we can agree that your guy is probably the drama queen."

I felt like I was falling apart and 'R tried very hard to hold his laugh.

"Do you really believed, Claude, that I wouldn't notice?" he smirked "Don't worry, nobody else knows."

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