Chapter 9

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[Ava's POV]

"Katy! Oh katy! I've missed you so much!" Katy's mom said as she hugged her tight. " hello Shannon! Hello Tamra!" She said as she hugged them both. She turned to me and smiled. "Katy, is this a girl who won a contest to spend a week with you or something?" She asked. Katy looked at her toes and replied "well actually mom this is...." She was cut off by a boy who looked like katy "Kathryn!" He said as he embraced her in a hug. Just then ANOTHER man walked in. It must be Katy's father. "Hi sweetie!" He said as he waved to her. I sat there holding Tamra's hand and looking around. "Where's Angela?" I asked Tam. "She's probably either not here yet or she is feeding Stella. "Come in! Come in!" Said Katy's mom.
We walked into their living room. Katy sat down in a blue chair and Tamra, Shannon, and David sat on the couch. Katy's dad sat in another blue chair and Katy's mom went into the kitchen to finish cooking. I stood in the doorway looking stupid. David looked up at me "oh hello. What's your name?" He asked. "I'm Ava." I said shyly "come here baby you can sit in my lap!" Katy said as she patted her legs. "Baby?" David asked as he looked at katy. "Um....yeah...that's her nickname because...uhh.....she sleeps like a baby...yeah." Said Tamra. I walked over to Katy. Thank god I'm small because I fit right in her lap. She put her arms around my waist and her chin on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around hers and smiled. She kissed my cheek when nobody was watching and I turned and kissed hers. She smiled and stroked my arm.
It was cool to be meeting her family. They are my family to but they just don't know it yet. I heard the front door open. "Hello everyone!" I heard Angela yell. She walked into the living room with her husband Svend and with her daughter Stella in her arms. Katy popped up knocking me to the floor. I got up and frowned at Katy but she was too busy reaching for Stella. I couldn't help but feel a stab of jealousy. I know I'm her daughter and all but she just dropped me to get to Stella. She is cute but that doesn't mean you knock people over. I sat down in her chair as Katy started to kiss Stella's cheeks and her forehead. " who's my baby Stewwa. Who's da best baby gurl EVERRRR?!?" Katy said in a baby voice.
My eyes started to well up with tears.
She said Stella was the best baby girl ever....Stella....not even her own daughter.
"Um where's the...uh..the bathroom" I said. Tam looked at me, confused. "Um..I think I'll show you." Tamra said. "Thanks Tam." I said. We walked through the halls in silence. When we got to the bathroom we went in and tam locked the door behind us. "Boo, what's wrong?" She asked me with a worried expression. "Katy thinks Stella is the best baby girl ever. Not me. Her DAUGTER. The one she just got back. The one she snuggles with. The one who sat with her on the balcony and comforted her. She said Stella was the best." I said as I bawled. "Aww boo she didn't mean it like that!" Tam said as she hugged me.
There was a knock at the door and I heard Katy's voice. "Hey, Tam. Aves, dinner is ready! What's goin on in there?" She asked "nothing. Go away!" I snapped back "we will be there in a minute!" Tam said. "Um...okay" katy said. We heard her walk off. Tam embraced me again and we sat there while I cried for a while. Finally we decided to go out. When we got to the table everybody looked up. They had already stared eating. I knew my eyes and cheeks were red because they so that when I cry. Katy looked at me worried and shannon looked at katy and then looked at me. Angela motioned for me to come sit next to her. I walked over and sat down. Angela put her arm around me and squeezed me tight. "Hey squirt! What's wrong?" She asked. I looked down at my plate. "Nothing. I'm good." I said.
"So tell me about yourself?" Katy's mom said. "Well I'm 13 and I'm from California and I am in love with your daughters music. KatyCat forever. It's such an honor to be here ma'am!" I said a little to robotic. "It's almost like you have rehearsed for this moment all your life!" She said with a laugh. I looked at Katy and then looked back down at my plate and started to eat.
After a while everyone finished eating and Katy piped up "um mom....I have to talk to alone please." She said "well anything you want to tell me you can say in front of the family, right everyone?" Katy's mom looked around the table at us all. " know how Ava supposedly 'won a contest' to be here?" Katy said as her eyes moved back and forth from me to her mom. "Yes sweetie." Said Katy's mom "well.....Aves is.....she's.....Ava...she is....she is my daughter."

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