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This is short but big stuff is coming so just wait for the next few chapters!!!!


{ Ava's POV}

We've been sitting in this court room for hours. The judge has asked Katy many questions and asked Asher many questions. I can't read her very well to determine whether she is leaning in our direction or Asher's. 

"Ms. Hudson, what is your financial status like?" The judge looks at Katy. Katy looks at me and then at her lawyer. 

"Well...I career kind of speaks that for itself...I am doing great financially..."Katy smirks a little while side eyeing Asher, who we both know isn't doing so good financially. Katy quickly returns to her serious demeanor as the judge looks up from her papers. 

"And Ms. Hudson, what kind of status do you believe Mr. Hughes has financially?" She looks from Katy to Asher then back to Katy. 

"Well...I haven't talked to him in a very long time but I believe he isn't doing so well financially...he doesn't look like he is." Katy looks at Asher who is glaring at her.

"Your honor, I'm actually doing fine financially. I own my own garage and we fix all different types of vehicles. That was your 1966 mustang out there in the parking lot, correct? The red one? It looked like it could use some restoration which I would be glad to do. Free of charge." Asher smirks at Katy. The judge blushes a bit.

"Well thank you Mr. Hughes...I may have to take you up on that." Katy rolls her eyes and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. The judge doesn't see how manipulative Asher is. If he wins this and I have to live with him, I don't think I could do that.

"Ms. Hudson, what kind of custody arrangement, whether formal or informal, do you have right now? And what kind of arrangement are you seeking, and why are you seeking that arrangement?" 

"Currently, Ava lives with me. Asher hasn't been present in her life until he barged into her hospital room almost a month ago. Since then, we haven't had any communication or contact with him except through a lawyer."

"And don't you think a girl needs a father?" The judge motions toward Asher. Katy glares at him and takes a deep breath. I can see she is trying not to cry.

"Yes, I believe strongly in a father figure but Asher is not fit to be a father. You asked me what kind of arrangement I'm seeking and why?" Katy gulps and closes her eyes. I grab her hand and squeeze it. She opens her eyes and begins to speak.

"Ava is the product of rape. Asher was very abusive towards me and that is why I am seeking sole custody." Katy looks down and pauses. I see Asher out of the corner of my eye shift uncomfortably in his chair. He looks down at his hands and then sits up straight. "Asher wasn't there for her half of her life and to be honest, neither was I, but at least I take ownership of my mistakes and at least she is here with me now. I think it would be in her best interest to be with me and only me."Katy breathes out like she said that all in one breath.

"So you're saying that Mr. Hughes abused you and raped you so he is unfit to parent? I can see how that affects the situation but seeing as Ava is older now and these claims weren't made sooner, there is really no sufficient evidence of an unconsensual relationship. Also that is a whole other case that can't be presented while this one is going on." The judge bangs her gavel.

"We will reconvene after a brief recess for me to look over some of these documents, assess some of these claims, and think about the best interest of Ava Rose Perry."


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