Eat it. Just eat it.

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Hey dudes! So after a LONG time of googling and debating, I have decided that Taylor Lautner will be Cameron. It's the best I could come up with. All of the ones I wanted to pick we're too young. If you have a better suggestion, PLEASE comment! Thanks!

[Katy's POV]

I woke up and there were strong arms wrapped around me. I turned my head and the most beautiful face was there. Cameron was asleep so I decided to take a shower. I didn't have a towel or clothes or a robe in this room so I decided to quickly run upstairs and run back.

I very gently wriggled out of his arms and climbed out of bed. I grabbed a small quilt that was hanging over a chair and I wrapped it around myself. I walked to the door and opened it silently. I slipped out and made sure to close it quietly. I didn't hear any voices so I tiptoed quickly to the stairs. I went sneakily but quick and grabbed two towels, my robe, and my comb.

I tiptoed back to the room and opened the door again. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the water. I peeked out the bathroom door. Cameron was still asleep in the same position. I let the quilt fall and I climbed in the shower. I washed my hair and my body. I turned the water off and got out.

As I wrapped the towel around myself I peeked out the door again. Cameron wasn't there.

"Cameron?" I said. No answer.

All of a sudden I felt hands on my shoulders and a voice said, "BOOOO!"

"HOLY FUCK!" I jumped. Cameron just stood there laughing as he towel fell off.

"Not funny. I could have had a fucking heart attack!" I glared at him.

"Oh stop." He smiled. He leaned forward and pressed his soft lips on mine.

"I have to do my hair." I said as I broke the kiss and put on my robe. I tied the strings around my waist and grabbed the second towel. I rubbed the towel through my hair as Cameron just stood there smiling and staring at me.

"What?" I said as I looked in the mirror at him. He grabbed my comb and started to comb through my hair.

"Nothin. You're just beautiful." He said. His hand moved the comb slowly through my hair as he put his other hand on my waist. He rubbed up and down my waist.

"Cameron. Noooo. I just took a shower." I say as he drops the comb and starts to slide the robe off of my shoulders. He kisses my shoulder and then turns me around to kiss my collar bone up to my jaw bone.

"I'm just kissing you." He whispers in my ear.

"I have to go make breakfast. Ava has to eat!" I say. I slip my robe back over my shoulders and peck him on the lips once more. As I walk out of the bathroom he squeezes my butt and turns on the shower water.

"I'll be out in a sec." He winks at me.

"Mmkay." I say. I walk out of the bedroom and up to my room. Ava isn't there. "Avee baby?" I say. No Ava. "Aves?" I say as I walk through the hallway. I quietly open Tamra's door and see Ava curled up in a ball next to Tamra. They are both still asleep. I feel that tiny bit of jealousy again but it disappears when Ava's eyes flutter open and she smiles at me.

"Hey Baby." I whisper. She gets out of the bed and Tamra just rolls over and falls asleep again.

"Hey mommy. How was it?" She asks as I quietly shut Tamra's door.

"How was what?" I ask her. She grabs my hand as we walk downstairs.

"Katy. You don't think I heard you? Last night. Bedroom downstairs on the left side." She looks at me with a smirk on her face.

"You need to learn how to contain your 'sounds'" she says awkwardly.

"Um....ok...I'll......take that into consideration...." I say with a giggle.

" was he?" She asks.

"Ava...that's.....that's not something you ASK someone." I say to her as we reach the kitchen.

"Personally I think I was great. I know your mom was." Cameron is sitting at the bar sipping a mug of coffee.

"You must be Ava." He says. He sets down the mug and gets up to shake her hand. Instead, Ava hugs him.

"Thank you for having sex with my mom. She needed a man. I mean c'mon. LOOK at her." Ava points at me.

"Ava! How about you go and get Butters." I say.

"Absolutely." She winks at me. As she walks out she slaps my butt.

"AVA!" I spin my head around and she is giggling.

"Sorry about her. She's....outspoken."

Cameron smiles at me. "Well she is right. You needed a man. For real, look at you, you're hot!" He grabs my waist and pulls me close. I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him.

"Well I'm glad I have you." I say to him.

"Alright so, I have a show tonight. You can come or not come. We usually eat there. Tamra will bring us whatever food and then we will probably spend the night at ANOTHER hotel closer to the arena." I let go of him and grab the waffles out of the freezer and the toaster out of the cabinet.

"Alright. I think I'll go." He says.

"Here's Butters!" Ava walks back into the room toting butters.

"Heyo butters babyyyy." I say. I kiss her head and I kiss Ava's head to.

"Ava. What do you want for breakfast babe?" I ask her. She comes and puts her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder.

"I dunno. I just want to spend TIME with you." She sighs.

"I know baby. I promise we will. After my show tonight we can do whatever you want." I say. I kiss the side of her head and she let's go of me.

"I'm not really hungry." She says.

"Ava. You've barely eaten. You didn't have dinner last night and you ate one bite of your lunch from yesterday and you didn't have breakfast either. You have to have breakfast today." I say.

"I'm just....not hungry. I'm gonna....go...take a shower." Before I have time to fight it she is running off up the stairs.

"Ugh. How can I get her to EAT?" I groan.

"She doesn't eat?" Says Cameron.

" exactly..." I say. I don't want to tell him that she used to be bulimic and anorexic. And is still anorexic. We've gotten over bulimia but she is still struggling with anorexia. I don't want him to think I'm a bad mother.

"Why?" He asks.


"You don't have to answer that." He closes his eyes and waves his hands in front of his face. "Sorry." He apologizes

"''s see. She used to be bulimic. And anorexic. She has gotten over bulimia but she is still anorexic. She's really tiny as you can see. She's fifteen and she can still sit in my lap like an eight year old. I just. I want her to be healthy but it seems like every day it's a fight just for her to eat something small like a cheese stick or a pack of crackers!" I put my face in my hands and it's silent.

"I...I'm sorry." I say.

"Don't be sorry. It's okay. It's not bad to show emotions. Let it out. I'm here for you." His strong arms wrap around me as I cry.

"Mommy..." Ava walks in through the door. Her hair isn't wet so I don't think she really went to take a shower.

"Mommy I'm sorry...." She runs to me and Cameron lets go of me. I open my arms and she runs into them.

" are perfect. You don't have to worry about your image, you are beautiful and I love you for you." I whisper. I kiss her forehead and she starts to cry.

"I love you." I say to her.

"The feeling....." She pauses.

"The feeling is mutual." She sniffs.

By the Grace of God I will love you UnconditionallyWhere stories live. Discover now