Gaga's Gelato.

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I walk into the bathroom where Katy is doing her makeup and I sit in her lap. She puts her arms around me and continues to do her makeup.

"Hey babe." She says. "What's up?" She asks as she's putting on mascara.

"I have a question." I say.

"Hit me with it." She says.

"Can we maybe...go cream?" I ask. She stops.

"Aves you know I can't. Tamra won't let me." She says. "Besides were in Italy. They don't have ice cream. They have Gelato!"

"Well then Tamra should let you because it's not ice cream!" I say. I turn around and look at her. She's so beautiful.

"Alright precious, we can go but don't tell Tamra." She says as she kisses my cheek and I stand up. She stands up and then pauses when Tamra walks in.

"Don't tell tam what?" She asks with her arms crossed.

"That you're an ugly bitch." Katy says with a giggle. I laugh and Tamra glares at me.

"Oh stop I'm being facetious." Katy says.

"Whatever. So what is it you really wanted to say?" She ask as she taps her foot.

"We're getting gelato wanna come?" She stands their and looks like she's thinking. She smiles suddenly and then nods her head.

"Don't tell ANYONE!" She holds up her index finger. She grabs her jacket and Katy grabs the keys. I slip on my shoes and we sneak out to the car.

"Make sure they don't get pictures!" Tam warns.


"This is SO good!" Katy says. She stuffs another spoonful in her mouth. Her face is covered with gelato and I laugh which causes her to laugh and spit some of the gelato on the table.

"Katy?" Says a voice from behind me. Katy's eyes open wide as she wipes her face with a napkin. I turn around and see someone I never thought I'd ever meet.

"LADY GAGA?!?!" I jump up out of my seat and run to her. Katy comes up behind me and puts her arm around my waist.

"Hey Gaga!" She says.

"What are y'all doing here?" She asks. Gaga gives her a smile and Katy smiles back.

"Uh...eating what we aren't supposed to." Katy answers. Tamra walks up and pounces on Gaga.

"GAGALOOOO!" She hangs on to her and Gaga hugs her. "Hello Tamra!" She says.

"And who's this? You know me but I don't know you." She says to me.


"This is Ava." Katy helps me because I'm too mesmerized to speak.

"Hello Ava. I'm Lady Gaga. You can call me Gaga, Stefani, Gagaloo, or just about anything else." She giggles.

"I-I'm...A-A-Ava...I...." I can't even talk.

"Would you like a hug?" Gaga opens her arms and I feel dizzy.

"ITS ABOUT DAMN TIME!" Tamra says. She jumps into Gaga's arms again.

"Tamra. I was talking to Ava!" Gaga pushes her off playfully. "So, Ava? That hug?" She opens her arms again and I wobble toward her. She pulls me in and hugs me tight.

I feel like I'm about to die. Or puke. Or both.

"I love you so much!" I manage to say.

"Well I love you to! So, how do you know Katy?" She asks as we release each other.

"I'm-her-her daughter." I say reluctantly. Gaga's eyes get wide.

"How did I not know that! I'm supposed to know that!" Gaga says.

"Would you like to sit?" Katy asks.

"Absolutely!" She replies.

Oh my god. I'm talking to Lady Gaga.

By the Grace of God I will love you UnconditionallyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt