Chapter 1

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"Tell me again!" I said as I sat at the table eating my cereal. I'm Ava Rose Prescott. The story I'm asking my mom to tell me is the story of when I was "adopted", or, in other words, left on her doorstep.

"I've told you so many times already, though!" My mom said with a huff. "I thought you would have memorized it by now, for all the times you've heard me repeat it." She walked to the cabinet and grabbed a mug.

"Yeah, but mom" I said, dragging out the last syllable into something resembling a whine. My mom hates it when I whine, and I know she'll tell me just to make me stop. "But I like it when you tell it better than me repeating it to myself in the mirror."

She let out a long breath of air before saying, "Fine. One day there was a knock at my door and I opened it and you were there and there was a gift-the one you still haven't opened, mind you-under your blanket. Nobody was around. I didn't see your mother."

"Or father?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope," she answered. I finished my cereal and put the bowl into the sink.

"I'm going to work. Don't be late for the bus!" my mom said as she grabbed her keys off the countertop.

"Love you. Bye," I said. I walked upstairs and started to pack my bag. I did my hair and put on some black leggings. I put on my dad's old T-shirt and did my hair in a nice bun. I put on my sandals and sunglasses and swung my backpack on my back. Everyday I wake up and realize I'm still in school, 8th grade to be exact. I wish I could just be an adult so I could find my real mom.

I waited on the front porch for the bus. I saw it drive up and I ran to the doors of the bus and climbed in. I sat in the front row where I always sit. I grabbed my phone and plugged in my earbuds. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. A few minutes and two songs later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Taking on earbud out, I opened one eye and saw Wes Oakley looking at me with his big, green eyes. Wes was tall and had olive skin with the most beautiful green eyes. His hair was dark brown, the color of chocolate. He was super hot and he just tapped me.

"H-h-hi." I said

"Hey. Is this seat taken?" he asked, pointing to the open space next to me.

"No. It's open," I said, smiling and praying that I didn't look too bad today.

"Sweet," he said. He sat down and looked at me. His emerald green eyes pulled me into his world. Wes' world. A place a girl like me could only dream of.

"Your name is Ava, right?" he asked.

"Yes, it is. You're Wes, right?" I knew his name; I just wanted to hear his voice. It's so perfect. Everything about him is perfect. As he talked his perfect lips looked so wonderful.

"Ava....Ava?...Ava? Are you ok?" he said, pulling me out of my delightful trance. I had zoned out watching his perfect face.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Just a little tired." I said. We pulled up to the school and he got up. I was right behind him. As I walked down the stairs off the bus I tripped and he caught me in his big, muscular arms.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Perfect," I said as I smiled.

" you wanna a party with me...tomorrow night?" I couldn't believe my ears! Wes Oakley just asked me on a date to a party. With him!

"Oh my God! Yes!" I answered.

"Catch you later?" he said, waving as he turned.

"Okay," I said with (hopefully) casual nonchalance. Apparently finding my reaction satisfactory, he shot me a slightly quizzical look before grinning and walking off. Okay, so maybe I'm not as good of an actress as I like to think myself as, but no matter. My best friend, Zac, just had to know what happened. He's always so supportive of me and is so happy for me when things go right. I sprinted to my locker hoping he would be there. It must have been my lucky day today because I got asked out by my longtime crush and Zac was exactly where I hoped.

Running up to Zac and grabbing his arm excitedly, he barely had time to turn to me before I shouted, "Oh my God, Zac! You'll never believe what just happened to me! I just got asked out by the hottest, most perfect guy. Wes Oakley! Isn't that just perfect?"

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