Chapter 14

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This chapter is mostly the thoughts of Katy. There isn't much Dialogue in it.

[Katy's POV]

Oh my god! I still can't find Ava!!!!! I'm so scared! She could be anywhere out there! I don't know where but she could be dead in a sewer somewhere! Angie and I looked EVERYWHERE earlier and it's been 6 hours! No calls! No texts! No nothing! I have a video shoot In like 20 minutes. I don't want to do it. I don't. I can't. Not without knowing Ava is safe.

I thought all of my thoughts as I sat there waiting for a call or a text. I stared at my phone and anytime I would her it ding I would grab it ferociously. It was always just Angie asking if I've heard anything. Or it was Bradford reminding me I had a shoot in like 20 minutes. I finally got up to go to my shoot. I was wearing a red dress that makes me look like Lady Antoinette. My hair looks like fucking George Washington's hair and my eyebrows are grey. I look....well...ugly. In a few seconds I'll rip my dress off, take off the wig, let my hair down and be a sexy beast! I should be happy. But I'm not.

"and ACTION!" I hear the director say. I stand there fidgeting, like I was told to do. As soon as I get the cue, I throw all of the maids off of me, grab the dagger from my servants belt and cut half the dress of. I literally look like a slut. As I see the red, silky fabric drop to the ground, I think of Ava. Her favorite color was red....I hold back the tears. Resist the urge. Don't cry katy....don't cry katy...don't. I walk out and wink at Marvin. I grab my fragrance. Spray me it on me. No crying katy...DONT cry. I grab my scepter. Knock the throne over. Sit in it. Put the crown on my head. I can feel the tears BEGGING to come out. And at last...I say....

"Own The Throne." I say with a smile.

"CUT!" I hear the director say.

THANK GOD! I run to my dressing room. When I am there I lock the door and BURST into tears. I throw stuff around. I break my mirror. I throw my perfume bottle at the wall and it shatters, releasing a sweet aroma of Killer Queen into my dressing room. As I freak out, I see the shards from the broken mirror.

Should I? I think

"It will make you feel better. YOU will have control." The little voice in my mind says.
"Just one cut....just ONE little teeny tiny cut will solve ALL of your problems." The voice says again.
I reach over and grab the shard. I put it in my skin.
The shard moves along my inner arm. It feels......refreshing. As I see and feel the blood drip down my arm and into the floor I feel a sense of control. And release. Just as I am about to do it again I hear her voice.
"Katy....what the HELL are you doing?" She says
I look over at Her sitting on my couch with a worried expression. She is on the edge of the couch.
My Ava looks tired. No...tired is an understatement. EXHAUSTED!
Ava looks pale. White as snow. And she looks. Cold.

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