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[Katy's POV]

I rush through the doors of the hospital and search for the desk where they will tell me where my baby is.

You know those really dramatic movies where the mother or any family member rushes through the automatic doors, hysterically crying and searching for their loved one? That's me right now.

"Excuse me but I was wondering if you could direct me toward what room my daughter is in." I say, wiping tears from my cheeks as they slowly roll down.

"Of course! What's her name?" The lady asks me, smiling sympathetically and offering me a packet of tissues. I take the tissues and force a smile.

"Thank you. And her name is Avery. Avery Rose Perry. "

"Ah. She is upstairs in......" The woman pauses. Her face knots up a bit.

"Trauma care....." She says, looking at me sympathetically again. 

I resist the urge to just fall on the floor and start screaming.

"T-thanks." I manage to say. I run down the hall toward the elevator. 

As I step in I see a little girl with no hair holding the hand of a nurse. Her eyes get wide at my entrance into the elevator.

"Sammy. That's Katy Perry." I hear the girl whisper to the nurse.

"Is it?" The nurse says back. Clearly, she doesn't believe her.

"It is! It's Katy Perry! Sammy! It's Katy Perry! It's Katy Perry." The girl says, a bit louder. I don't want to be a bother so I just stand there. 

"I'm sorry..." The nurse looks at me. "She just thinks you are a celebrity that she really likes." 

"I don't think! I KNOW!" The little girl says, tugging at the nurse's arm.

"'s okay! I am who she thinks I am." I say, bending down to the little girls level.

"W-what!?" The nurse says, her eyes getting wide.

"It's fine! It's okay to freak out!" I say, wiping a tear from my eyes. "It's not *sniff* everyday that you see a celebrity in an elevator." I stand back up to talk to Sammy, the nurse. She looks about twenty.

"Why...Why are you here?" She asks, shaking.

"My daughter....." I can't finish the sentence. I start to cry again.

"What's wrong Katy Perry?" The little girl, Catherine asks as she grabs my hand.

"I'm just....I'm very sad right now." I force a smile and the sound of the elevator ding makes me jump a bit. 

"We have to go now. I hope your daughter is okay.." Sammy says as she leads Catherine out of the elevator.

"Thank you." I say back.

"Bye Katy Perry." Catherine says.

"Goodbye Catherine." I wave at her.


The rest of the way up, I think about Ava.

Finally, I reach the Trauma floor.

I go to the room I was told Ava was in.

"Excuse me Miss. Family only." says a nurse who sees me trying to open the door.

"I'm her mother." I argue.

"Her mother and father are already in there Miss. Nice try though. I'm going to have to ask you to go back down to the waiting room." The nurse says

"What? No! I'm her mother! I swear!" I scream as tears stream down my cheeks.

"Ma'am. Please...come with m-"
"NO!" I cut her off and burst through the door and see a man and a woman standing beside my baby Ava. 

I can't even bring myself to look at her. She's so damn hurt.

But the man and the woman...who are they?

"Excuse me...who the HELL are you and what are you doing with my daughter!?" I scream at them. They both turn around.

I am horrified.

The man is Asher. The woman....I don't know.

"ASHER! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" I yell as I lunge toward him.

"'ll wake OUR daughter." He says with a sinister smile. 

"She is NOT your daughter!" I scream.

"She may not be by law....but by blood." He says.

"Asher. She doesn't want to meet you. She doesn't want anything to do with you!" 

He smiles again.

"Well...that doesn't matter. Because soon, she will be mine by blood AND by law." 

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