Chapter 2

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[Zac's POV]

As Ava sat there explaining the details, I tried to think of what I would do with the flowers I had gotten her. She got asked out by Wes Oakley. Wes Oakley. Captain of the football team. And basketball team. And baseball team. And every other team you can think of. He asked her out. My best friend. And she said yes. She said yes. I was going to ask her to go to go to a movie with me tomorrow night. But she's going to a party with Wes. "Zac...Zac are you even listening to me?" asked Ava, incredulously. She seemed bewildered that I wasn't listening to her. I need to get out of here. I have to get out of here. So I came up with the simplest response available to me: "Um...oh, yeah! I hope you have fun! I've gotta run. Well, uh, bye," I said.

[Ava's POV]

"Oh, okay...bye!" I yelled after him. That was weird. I thought he would be happy. He's usually happy for me when something exciting happens.

"Ava Prescott, please report to the principal's office. Ava Prescott to the principal's office!" said Mrs. Dawson over the intercom. I wondered why they called me to the principals office. As I walked to the principals office I saw Wes. I smiled and waved. He walked over to me then put his arm around me and smiled.

"Hey, babe," he said. Oh my God, he called me babe. Oh my God.

"Babe?" I asked, taken aback.

"That was what I had said. Is that okay? Because if it isn't I can call you something else?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Of course!" I answered, touching his arm to reassure him. We walked together to the office.

"I'll wait out here," he said.

"Alright!" I chirped and waved before opening the door to the office and walking in. Principal Williamson looked at me with the look that you give a puppy when it's in one those little cages at the pound.

"Ava. Please, sit." He said.

"Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly. "Am I in trouble?"

"No, not at's...your mother...," he said reluctantly.

My mother? What could possibly be wrong with my mother? "What happened?" I asked nervously.

"She the hospital. She was hit by a drunk driver on the way to work. Thankfully, someone found her before it got too bad but she's still in pretty bad shape," he said. The words hit me like a brick. I got goosebumps even though I was wearing a jacket.

"You are excused from school to go see her," he said.

"Thank you," I said, my voice breaking. I got up and walked out of the room as tears started streaming down my cheeks. Wes pulled me into his arms and hugged me.

"What is it?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"My mother...she' the accident...she's in really bad shape....I have to go," I said even though I didn't want to believe my own words.

"I'm coming with you. After all, you are my girlfriend," he said. He just called me his girlfriend, but I felt too bad to be happy.

"Okay," I said, leaning into him.

"How are we going to get there?" he asked.

"We walk," I responded. We started walking out of the school and his hand slowly drifted over and grabbed mine. I looked at him and smiled. Suddenly, he leaned in and kissed me. It wasn't for very long but I felt a warm sensation go through my body. His lips were soft and warm, just like I imagined. After we stopped, it was silent and we walked along with hands intertwined. We finally got to the hospital. "I'm looking for Ms. Lana Prescott?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"Around the corner. First door on the right," she answered, looking up sympathetically.

"Thanks," I said.

Wes and I walked through the hallway, still holding hands. We got to the first door on the right and I paused, scared to enter and see my mother lying in the hospital bed. They said she was in bad condition, and I didn't know if I was prepared for it. Wes tightened his grip on my hand and looked at me.

"I'm right here with you. It's okay," he said, squeezing my hand for reassurance. I slowly opened the door and there was my mother on the bed with the light sound of the heart monitor beeping in the background. She looked pretty bad. As I took in the sight I noticed someone sitting in a chair next to her bed asleep. She has black hair and she looked strangely familiar. At the sound of Wes and my soft footsteps her eyes fluttered open. They were grayish blue and very beautiful. She looked at me and smiled. I couldn't believe my eyes. The woman who had saved my mother was Katy Perry.

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