Chapter 31

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"OMG YOU WERE SO GOOD BABE!" Katy says as she hugs me. I just came out from backstage. Lots of people have been congratulating me and I don't know why. Iggy did the best.

"Thanks mama." I say. We walk to the bar and Katy orders a drink.

"Want something?" She asks me.

"What the fu-heck?" I say and she glares at me. I know she doesn't like it when I swear. She does it a lot though. Just not really around me.

"You'd let me drink?" I say surprised.

"Hell no! I meant like a soda or something. Maybe a virgin drink?" She crinkles her nose and giggles. She's so adorable.

"I'll take a Coca Cola please." I say to the bartender.

"Here you go ma'am. And here YOU go ma'am. Nice rapping by the way." He winks at me.
Katy gulps her drink down fast and orders another one.

"Hey Beautiful." Iggy says as she comes behind Katy and hugs her. Her tattoo is showing on her arm and her hands.

"Hello Amethyst Amelia Kelly." Katy says jokingly. She knows Iggy likes to be called Iggy and not her full name.

"You bitch! Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson!" Iggy responds.

"Ava! You did perfect up there! Must have got the singing skills from your mum!" I love Iggy's accent. It's beautifulness and Australian wonderfulness.

"Thanks Igz." I say as she wraps her arm around me. I see Katy finish one drink after another. She's on her seventh when she drops the glass on the floor and it breaks.

"Wh-whoopsies! Looks like I made an-BUUUUURP-an uhhhhhhg ohhhhh! Accident! Isle twelve!" She screams as she stands up. She wobbles a little bit and she falls against the bar counter. She bursts out laughing.

"Oh Katy...." I say. I know she's drunk but I don't know what to do. Dealing with Katy when she is drunk is like trying to herd cats. She's EVERYWHERE!

"I'm gonna go-go to the lavatory. I have to-BURP-pee. And quite p-possibly throw up." She hobbles to the bathroom and disappears around the corner.

"Good luck with that!" Iggy says. She gives me a kiss on the top of the head, squeezes my chin and walks in the crowd.

I've never been alone at a party before. I'm always with Katy. I better go see if she's ok.

I walk to the bathroom and I don't see her.

"Shit..." I mutter.

I turn around and see a hallway. I walk down the hallway and see a Katy. She's on the wall. Her arms are wrapped around a mans neck and they are getting it! They are having a fucking Make out sesh RIGHT HERE!

"Ahem." I clear my throat and the man turns around.

I know him. I've seen him. Not in real life my dreams. I know his face. I know his name. I just can't get it out. It's right on the tip of my tongue.

"A-Ava babe. He's HOT!" She says as she starts to kiss his neck.

I suddenly remember his name.


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