"Mind if I ride with you, shepard?" His voice was gruff from the burn of whatever liquor he'd been drinking, he stood on the opposite side of the tiny metallic room as the door to the elevator closed slowly, agonizingly slow.

"Of course not," words lingered in my throat, unsaid, but I pushed them away from my mind and whipped the image of him glowering at Samara out of my mind, "I'm going in the opposite direction, though."

"That's fine," he replies as the lagging contraption finally surges upward, bringing me about two feet closer to the sanctuary of my cabin, "too much revelry for me."

"Yeah... Me too." I softly respond, eyes down cast, avoiding the visage of his lean form at all costs.

"Well, this is your stop Shep, you know where I'm at if you want to talk." As the door slid open once more, his statement seemed to sit weighty upon my shoulders, implying more than what was originally said.

"Thanks, night zaeed."


That was two hours ago.

Here I am, sitting in my spinny chair, listening to music that's outdated by two centuries, clutching my fifth bottle of wine, while crying pitifully over the picture of kaidan that sat on my desk; before he had died on virmire, the boy had confessed his love for me.

Being the foolish woman I am, I turned him down to secure the success of our mission. And I never got a second chance to tell him how I truly felt.

As I spewed tears hysterically, I looked through the blurry mess to see his soulful eyes staring back at me with a knowing look.

That's it.

Something snapped, deep in my heart, and I slammed the picture face down onto my desk; looking at the time on the monitor infront of me.

1:15 am

My eyes watered once more and my head ached miserably from crying; I had to find closure. Or company. Lest I die here clutching a bottle of wine like a mewling quim; alone and drowning in my own tears.

Unfolding my legs out from under me, I get to my feet clumsily, crashing into my desk a tiny bit; as I leaned over I set the wine bottle down, ignoring the pain in my hip.

I turned and sauntered over to the elevator, eyes heavy and swollen; nearly burning as I repeatedly jammed the button for crew deck.

If this elevator were any slower it would be the second death of me.

For a moment my thought almost amused me, but as the door to the contraption shut I felt fear blanket me, stealig my every breath with invisible icy tendrils.

Lurching downwards with the elevator, I almost lost my dinner to the floor; I braced myself with hands flat against the wall, struggling to resist the tug of drunken motion sickness that ate at the bottom of my stomach.

Soon enough the torture ended and the door slid open with a pleasant ding. Composing myself, I took a few deep breaths of fresh-ish air, forcing my wobbly sea legs to carry me towards the main battery.

I scaled the stairs without ease, falling at least twice and laughing about it; by the time I got to the door of the main battery, and was about to press the loud-ass request entry button, I heard the elevator go down.

Disregarding something that seemed unimportant at the time, I pressed the button anyway. There, of course, was no response because it's 1 am and my friend was probably sleeping away soundly.

Have you ever needed someone so bad...

Suddenly a little ding grabs my attention, as the elevator opens, and out comes a half dressed zaeed in a hurry with a panicked expression on his face; something I'd never witnessed before, authentic fear in the man's eyes.

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