Part 33: Finn's love

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I walk up to the door, it's a steel door. Locks and scratches are placed all over the door. Seems like a lot of people have been here.
I knock multiple times.
A figure appears and clicks through the intercom.
Y: Just give me Marcus back to me, Finn.
??: oh dearie dear.  Not Finn, my love.
Y: who is this?
??:enter my lovely.
The door clicks and I enter, the hallway is dark and cold.  I hear sounds from multiple rooms; creaks, and muffled sounds. It feels as if I'm being watched.
I want Finn. No, stop thinking that.
I look at my phone, and I have no signal. Great.
Y:Marcus? Hello? Is anyone there?
Silence falls through the room...
I feel as if I'm being watched or as though a presence is in the room, I keep trying to look everywhere but my eyes follow all the different marks within the room.
I hear following me...
M:thank god it's you what has happened where are we???
Y:I'm not sure.. I thought.. Fin-
F: you thought I had him.
Finns voice echoes in the room. Bouncing around I hear his words repeat over and over.
F:I know I'm seriously low, but as you said you didn't want to be with me.
I just want to jump into his arms and pull him close.
M:let's find a way to get out of here.
F:let's do so before I...
He looks at me and spots my worried face.
Y:who spoke to me.?
F: what do you mean?
Y:earlier when I had just walked into this place. Someone, was talking to me.
F:who the fuck knows, let's just leave.
his rude remarks remind me of how callous he can be.
After hours of trying to figure a way out.. Finn speaks up...
F:see y/n he's not all that, he can't even figure his way out.
Y:what's that supposed to mean..?
F:Okay.. so maybe I had my friend Hardin help sort this out..
M:what the fuck bro, you kidnapped me and held us all hostage to prove something you sick prick.
Finns anger Grows heavily over his face, panting and pacing his heart beats faster with each breath. Without no hesitation Finn lurches over the room and starts hitting Marcus with all his power and force.
I scream for them to stop, as he's hitting Marcus, Finn looks at me. His eyes meet mine and he sees the anxiety on my face. After Finn allows some punches from Marcus they stop as I pull Marcus off him.
M:Fucking done with you, Y/n.
My face fills with shock.
M: it's obvious this prick doesn't want me anywhere near you, and I'm not living with this. How can someone be so insensitive.?
F:that's all I needed,
All of a sudden some doors open,
F:See y/n told you I'd prove this to you. He's not your type,
Y:you sick manipulative dickhead. How could you?? Why???
Y:yeah you didn't mean to kidnap and hurt me emotionally?
F:just hear me out.
Y:no I'm done.
I leave out the same way Marcus does, and see a tall guy in a denim jacket.
Dark hair, but not as dark as Finns.
J:Ello lovely, guess Finn got what he wanted.
Y:no he didn't actually, who are you?
F:That's Joshua,
As I begin to walk off I hear the screaming and shouting of Finn calling my name. My heart breaks even more...
I had it all, but now it's gone. Everything.
A few days later..
*knock knock*
I stumble towards my door, as I look through the peep hole I notice it's.... ummm
J:you don't remember me do you?
Y:John... Joshua!
J:aha Johns not bad, but yeah it's me Joshua.
Y:What do you want? Did Finn put you up to this?
J:what no? I was wondering how you were after all of that?
Y:I'm fine, I've got to go.
I try to shut the door and Joshua puts his foot between the door.
J:Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't help. I knew what his plan was.
After contemplating I let Joshua into my apartment...
We speak for hours upon hours,
J:y/n do you love him?
Y:who Marcus?
J:no, Finn duh.
I feel guilt spread across my face; my heart crumbles but the thought of him makes me happy. I shouldn't think that though.
Y:kinda, I miss him. But the fun calm, loving him. Not this jealous cheating type
J:you missed 'Sick manipulative dickhead'
I laughed, something I felt I haven't done in ages. My body misses the happy me.
I miss the happy me.
We're still talking, we've ordered pizza and ofc halved it:)
J:I best get going...
Y:thank you, for tonight it's been good.
Joshua leans in for a hug. And his arms wrap around me in a comfort position, my heart feels secure. Just the way Finn held me.

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