Part 14:Gracious.

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Y/n pov:
We entered the gala to see hundreds upon hundreds of people standing, talking and dining.
I sighed because i knew what it was going to be like. a long exhausting night.
F:we have to talk to everyone in this room.
I stayed silent, not knowing on what to say, Finn linked his arm into mine, and peaked a little smile.
We walked around for hours and hours, speaking to people.
the conversations would usually go
"Finn, Y/n. How wonderful is it to see you?"
blah blah blah.
Finn would say how amazing i was but i knew it was all an act. he played off everything.
I got so bored. my back began to hurt from standing up, so i left finn and sat at our table.
The stage was lit up, with fairy lights and candles,
Anne walked on.
A:Thank You everyone, for tonight this gala has to be the best one by far. The people id like to personally thank are My Friends.. but my family especially.
My wonderful husband and my amazing son, finn.
But i've left someone out, my absolutely wonderful Y/n, finn's girlfriend. thank you my darling for everything, you bring happiness to me and my family, we love you.
A tear was brought to my eye, but i held it in.
F:Well thank you mother for that heartfelt speech, But i would like to say something. Y/n, You are the light of my life, the whole entire world and existence. Your smile brings joy to me, and your warm and loving heart is just what i need. there's not a day that goes by where i think you're not the one. because darling you hold the key to my heart.
Yes bullshit, it was honestly so fake, like it was copied from a book. but i smiled, and carried on for the night. Every-time finn came over his mood changed, from happy to ugh.
Y:what an amazing speech!
i said sarcastically.
Y:bullshit. it's all bullshit to you. every single damn thing, our relationship and our friendship and even me.
F:What- do you know what, doesn't matter anyways.
Y:what? you even said you didn't love me. so my point has been proved.
I walked off and got into the empty suv, that we arrived in.
and cried. and cried.
i looked outside to see if i could find anyway to leave but there wasn't a single way. finn knew i was smart.
We arrived back home and before i went to my room, Finn pulled me aside,
F:Why were you crying?
Y:i wasn't,
F:Stop lying.
i saw the gun, in his pocket. i knew he wasn't afraid of using it.
Y:because of fucking you, and like i said you may as well fucking kill me. because i have nothing to live for anymore.
finns face dropped. i ran upstairs, but not to my room. to mrs wolfhards.
She hugged me and i felt comfort.
My mom called me upstairs,
i went into her room and saw y/n sleeping.
sound asleep.
I picked her up bridal style and took her to her room. i laid her down. and placed the blankets on her.
i gave a crooked smile,
she mumbled

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