Part 32:new relations

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Y/n pov:
"Yeah let's go" I say questioning whether that was the right thing to do.
"Great, let's say seven? I'll pick you up?" He asks
I nod, agreeing with what he says,
Getting the Uber home; I arrive at my new apartment and place my bag down, clicking my voicemail box to see 12 missed calls.
"Hey, ummm it's me Finn. You haven't replied to my calls or messages, is something wrong? Please call back"
"Hmm let me think yeah you cheated" I say under my breath.
My voicemail continues until, I delete all Of them and begin to get ready for my date tonight. Or dinner, is it dinner or a date. Ugh.
Slightly glammed but keeping it subtle. I hear a knock at the door.
"Hi.. wow, you look much better than coffee stains" Marcus says
"Well if you can't like me at my coffee side you can't have me now" I say laughing.
"I'll take any!" He says
He hands me a bouquet of flowers and we leave, locking my door, we then enter his car.
Arriving at this beautiful restaurant, Marcus grabs the door and leads me towards a table.
After our first meal, we talk about everything from work, to love lives, we laugh and tear up at the many stories we tell. I don't know how to feel it's like I'm happy but also sad at the same time. Like I'm betraying Finn. But I know I'm not. We're not together anymore. So I need to stop this. Stop thinking about Finn as if he's the only person this world has to offer.
After our meal, we decide to walk the streets, the cold brisk air hits my legs and arms like a thousand knives.
"You cold?" Marcus asks.
He takes his coat off and gives it to me, it feels like such a cliche.
My phone vibrates in my bag.
"Oh could you excuse me a moment?" I ask.
Marcus nods.
"What do you want? I say angrily.
" I.. miss you." I hear Finn's voice crack.
"Hey is everything okay...?" Marcus asks
"Yeah don-
I get cut off by the voice of Finn.
"Y/n who's that?" Finn asks,
"No one and leave me alone!" I bellow.
"Y/n how could y-
I hang up before he can say anything else.
"Finn?" Marcus says whilst knowing it's him.
I nod, "I'm sorry"
"It's fine"
We continue to walk the streets for hours. Until we end up back at my place.
He walks me up towards my door.
"Thank you for tonight it was amazing" I say.
"No thank you. I would kiss you but it's not my style. I'll wait." He says.
We hug and and he leaves.
I turn towards my door, twisting the door handle the door slams open, I see a figure.
"Who was that?" He shouts.
"How the fuck did you find me?!" I say.
"Well are you going to tell me?" He says
"Why should I? He's none of your business. Now get the fuck out of my apartment." I shout.
He leaves my apartment without saying anything.
The next day I wake up and head to work. Marcus desk is empty, hmm he's late?
"Hey have you seen Marcus?" I ask a colleague
"Nope." With a blank response.
I enter my office to see a note on the table.
'Your friend is here .. 124 drive walk'
Finn. How the fuck could he do this?!

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