Part 20:Heart skips a beat.

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Y/n pov:
i hear finn talking to jack downstairs with ellie.
I walk downstairs,
J:holy motherfu-
Finn turns around.
F:Fuck she's gorgeous.
I get to the bottom of the stairs,
y:hey ellie, ready?'
me and ellie get into the car before the boys,
Y:finn is urm... different.
E:oh i know.. 😏 and i don't blame him your gorgeous!!
Y:says you, how are you and jack?
E:urm.. tell you later they're coming
F:mrs wolfhard, i must say you look smashing!
Y:well thank you.
he whispers into my ear
"smashing if you know"
We get to the restaurant, and finn intertwines his fingers in mine and smiles at me,
i look at jack and ellie. and they don't look happy.
Y:can jack and ellie stay tonight?
F:what? i thought we were going to..-
Y:seriously finn? tomorrow.. maybe.
F:jack ellie? do you want to stay at ours tonight?
i smile at ellie.
After we've had food.
Finn has an idea.
F:lets go laser tag??
Y:oh yes please!!!
we all agree and head on over, finn wraps his arms around my waist and we sway side to side.
i spin around and i wrap my arms around his neck. and place my head on his chest.
Y:i think i love you.
i whisper.
i look at him,
Y:i love you.
f:i love you too.
he places his hand on my back and begins to go lower.
y:finn! not right now!
J:guys come on!
J:girls v boys.
Y:girls will win.
F:nah lies.
E:try us!
Me and ellie run into the building and hide. we find a tiny underlay, and stay there.
Y:what's going on?
E:Jack has been distant from me, in all ways. it's like he wants to move on.
Y:ugh what a dick. don't worry-
E:shh. i hear them.
F:Y/n, where are you babe?
i see them through the cracks of the underlay.
Me and ellie, jump up and run,
the boys following after us.
we laugh and go into the room of mirrors, the boys follow in.
ellie shoots jack!
E:i got you!
Finn then shoots ellie.
J:and finn got you!
e:thanks finn!
F:y/n where are you?
Y:i'm here,
he looks around and can't find me.
Y:finnie? look up.
when he does i shoot him in the back.
I jump onto finns back.
f:congrats my love and you too ellie.
J:yeah congrats.
i knew something was wrong with jack,
let's find out...

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