Part 21: You're 11/10.

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(Before i start this chapter i want to say i know what is happening between talia and jack and everyone, and i have my opinion. but i don't want to take jack out the story, hope you can understand! thank you!)

Y/n pov:
Finn and ellie walked together as jack was in front, i ran up to him jogging at a slow pace,
I knew finn was still watching me, since we were out in public,
Y:jack! Jack!
He turned and saw me .
y:slow down.
he did, and we walked together,
Y:tonight was fun. wasn't it?
J:yeah i guess so.
Y:jack what's up? tell me. and don't say nothing because i know there is.
J:there honestly isn't,
so i left it the whole situation,
i could still see finn behind me talking to ellie, laughing. ah that boy.
We all went back to Ours, and sat in the living room, But before that finn locked the door, he still didn't trust me?
E; let's have some drinks?
y:only 1 for me!
F:really? jack?
J:nah i'm okay thank you i'm going to get water
i went into the kitchen with jack,
Y:what are you playing at? we all know something is wrong.
he slams his hand on the table with a petit box,
Y:omg. seriously?
J:i'm going to propose tonight!
i hug him tightly
Y:i'm so happy for you,
tears start to form in my eyes,
G:guys what's going on?
Y:ah nothing
i laugh and wipe the tears.
finn places his arm across my shoulder and we go into the living room.
Ellie's a bit tipsy.
i look at jack and smile,
he gets up, and walks over..

Taken//FinnWolfhard X Reader Where stories live. Discover now