Part 13 :Cruical mistakes?

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Y/n Pov,
I felt disgusted.
Not With myself, but with everyone else. They were trying to test my limits. Yes i wanted to talk to finn, but i knew if i did he'd think i was all over him again.
i woke up to the sound of music playing,
A:morning darling!
Mrs Wolfhard said happily,
A:Lets go and get some food..
We headed downstairs and into the kitchen. Finn decided to make breakfast this morning.
F:Good Morning my 2 favourite ladies!
It was different. it felt like it wasn't finn at all.
J:hey what about me bro?
F:You're not a lady.
Jack was here?
i was confused.
J:hey y/n.
I waved, not saying anything to anyone.
J:i came back and stayed last night. how's your book going?
Y:good actually great.
Finn dropped his pan and turned to look at me.
he showed a crooked smile, and carried on.
Jack knew i knew about the note. It was obvious, but finn didn't know which was amazing.
J:So what do you think about the beginning?
Y:i'm not sure. yes it's good.
We all sat down, but without looking up i knew finn was next to me.
i felt uncomfortable but ok.
F:Y/n, what's your favourite book?
at first i sat there quietly,
Y: Ummm...Paper towns by-
J: John green! yeha i have read it, honestly such a good book,
My face lit up, surprised but happy slightly,
Y:the ending!
J:i know unbelievable!
A:Finn, you need to pick out a suit for tonight's gala event, and y/n a dress. i'll help you dear.
Y: a gala?
A:Yes but it's hosted by us.
After Breakfast i went upstairs to get ready. as i shut the door i noticed an envelope on my bed. i opened it.
"I never meant to hurt you"
Y:why did you take me then?
i whispered to myself.
i threw myself onto my bed, and after a while
I Chose a dress.
(whatever tickles your pickle)
and put it on, my hair was down and my make up was done by carmella the maid.
J:woweee, finn has done well,
jack was standing at the door,
Y:thanks jack, look can we talk-
J:They're ready they need you,
i sighed.
J:for one night, be civil with finn, maybe you'll find out something that will put the pieces together.
i went downstairs and saw finn and his family,
A:gorgeous my dear.
Y:thank you but anne you look amazing!
We headed out the door and into the car,
F:You do look really good.
i smiled lightly.
But one thing i noticed about finn was... the little bit of lightness in his smile. it was missing, he was missing.

Taken//FinnWolfhard X Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن