Part 1: The Unknown.

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Tired and Exhausted, After a long night at Jessica's Party You decided to head home. You texted your mom.
Y:Hey mom, i'll be home soon, i love you.
After 10 mins of walking you put your headphones in.
Feeling a presence behind you, Your body tenses and you begin to walk faster, not knowing what was going to happen.
Suddenly You feel a tight grip on your wrist, and then darkness
Waking up you look around and notice you're tied to a chair.
Y:HELP ME. is anyone there?
A creek from the door slowly follows through, You move back against the wall.
"she's awake sir"
Slow steps come down the stairs,
"You're awake, good"
Y:Let me go you bastard.
"no can do, You're my plan"
Y:i'm not your plan, i'm nothing to you.
He walks over to me, his dark brown eyes glimmer in the slight light, curly brown hair flows everywhere.
"oh darling yes you are"
i slap him with slight force,
he pushes me against the wall, with no capability of air.
"Bring her up, looking decent as this.
oh and call me Finn"
After being pushed around by people, i stop at one.
She cleans me up and leaves the room, i hear the door lock, my wrists looked bright red from the rope.
i had a plan in mind to escape,
The door clicked again,
and slowly opened.
"sir is ready to see you now"
i walked into a bright room.
Y:i want to go home.
F:oh that isn't going to happen.
Y:How do you know my name?
F:that doesn't matter look princess, you're going to act sweet and be nice. so we can get along. ok? if not well you won't know.
He grabs my arm and pulls me downstairs.
MrWolfhard: and who may this be?
F:mom, dad. this is y/n. my girlfriend,
my face went pale.
MrsW; it's so nice to meet you we've heard a lot about you.
Finn Squeezed my arm tightly.
y:it's wonderful to meet you, thank you.
After a long dinner, finn walks me upstairs.
F:that wasn't so hard was it. this is your room, don't do anything stupid
y:why are you such a dick?
He pushes me onto the bed, his body
hovering over mine.
F:oh you need to watch yourself.
Y:bite me bitch.

Taken//FinnWolfhard X Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن