Just to know some pathetic little shit made Marinette feel like that made them mad. 

No, that was an understatement, 

They were livid. 

This was one of the reasons why they were so protective, she would not be used or find herself in that sort of relationship. Right now, they needed to find Agreste Junior and teach him a lesson to not mess with their baby sister. 

"Why don't we go home, and we can carry this on in better conditions?" they received a single nod before walking towards the Manor. 


Upon arriving at the Manor, she had calmed down totally. Adrien was in the past and never again would she pursue any sort of man no matter the amount of infatuation she had for them. Honestly, she had gotten over him the year they broke up despite the endless amount of hope she had in him, so whatever was going to happen right now wasn't even necessary. 

Before they could even get to the door, it opened showing a calm Alfred. Marinette had missed Alfred so much, he was practically a Grandad to them. So seeing him for the first time was something she couldn't keep in.


Her mood changed at the flick of a switch, bolting towards the man and engulfing him in a big hug, she missed him loads. 

"Oof, Welcome back Miss Marinette." 

He returned the hug and when letting go notice something wrong with the men behind her, his features showing concern. 

"It's great to be back Alfred." 

She gave him her old cheery smile that no one had seen in years, she was coming back, slowly yes but making progress. 

Stepping inside the Manor, she was hit with Nostalgia, so many memories and fun times, its funny to know where she ended up and her current living condition. 

"So Cupcake, you were saying..." he motioned for her to sit down, and sit down she did in the living room sofa. 

"The ex boyfriend." 

The room stopped at the three words, it was going to take some time to get through this. 

Her story of their relationship begun, from how her crush was formed to how she broke up with him and everything in between. The horrific memories flashed, some kept her awake at night, she could never let herself love someone again, it was too much of a risk

"Just take the high road!"

"She's not hurting anyone."

"Your our everyday ladybug, you can do it".

"Stop trying to convince me you nearly got akumitised, the attention is unnecessary!"

"We're soulmates M'lady!"

"Go on a date with me?!" 

"Just listen and I'll come to the battles" 

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Your pathetic!"

"Even Lila would be a better girlfriend than you."

"Are you even listening to me?!"

"So I ripped off the lucky charm he gave me, threw it in his face and left his sorry ass." 

She could still remember his sickening voice, her helpless screams, the blood, it was all too much. No matter how hard she tried to forget, Adrien akumatised was one of the worst and never again does she want to fight Chat Blanc. 

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