Chapter 12

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm, swearing and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

"Alright, before we start, are there any questions?" 

Everyone received their lanyards and were busy chatting away like the chatterboxes they are, were they listening to anything they said? 

Well, at this current moment in time, Lila was in the middle of her 'entourage' Adrien and Alya both at her immediate sides, her arm clinging to Adrien's and Alya practically stuck at her hip with her phone in hand recording and noting down everything being said and done. The rest of her mindless sheep surrounded her listening keenly on each of her newly spun lies, if we're being honest, her lies seemed more interesting than the two men standing up front of the group. 

One thing that caught Marinette's eye was something quite peculiar, Nino and Alya were always seen, did and went everywhere together, they were always holding hands and were the second couple after Mylene and Ivan to get together; if not for following Lila then they would still be one of the popular couples at Francois Dupont.

However, today didn't seem to be the case: Nino and Alya were worlds apart. They weren't even in a few metres distance, Nino stood at the very back alone. Neither of them batted an eye to the other, none of the class did and the glares he received were way too familiar to Marinette. They were the same glares she received. This was what caught Marinette's attention, yes she wasn't their friends anymore but Nino was practically her brother, he was her first proper friend when she arrived in Paris; so when he believed Lila over her, it hurt significantly.

She couldn't say she still cared for her ex best friend. Alya was the one to both physically and mentally harm the girl, she backed up Lila no matter what. She was tormented by her, she was hurt by her, she was betrayed by her; and she wasn't going to mend that friendship ever. Ever again.

She was the one who got them together in the first place, if not for Ladybug at the zoo that one day, they wouldn't be a thing. She was the one who made sure the ship sailed, she supported them all the way, she even recruited them both to be superheroes.

Diving her attention away from her brothers who were answering her classes questions, she looked back at the boy at the back of the class. No one seemed to give him a single glance besides one, Alix. The girl was the only one who stayed on Marinette's side when she was left alone. 

Not only did she not believe Lila's lies but she received a quick visit from future Bunnix, who sent her warnings and told her whose side to take. Alix was her support system along with Chloe, she was their inside woman who took Intel and relayed it to them, it helped avoid the bullying in many situations. The only reason she wasn't with Marinette at the moment was to get things like information about their plans, otherwise Marinette would have a constant friend at her side.

Alix seemed to be looking back every now and then to take a quick look at the boy before turning her attention elsewhere, the looks she made was one of concern and not friendliness; this raised Marinette's concern even more. She would need to approach him at one point during the tour.

The questions soon died out, 

"If that's all the questions, let's begin." and just like that, they were lead further into the building following close behind her two brothers.


The start of the tour went pretty well for the bluenette, her class had yet to talk to her today and she enjoyed looking at the building she once visited often. Memories flooded of the times she came with her father and interrupted his meetings, sabotaging his work with her brothers, running up and down the corridors, talking to all the staff and so much more. 

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