Chapter 13

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm, swearing and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

Nino Lahiffe 

A man of little words but expressive in his own way

Not very social but stays strong with the one friends he holds dear to his heart, this was once Marinette. 

Once, a word with many meanings. It can be the start of a fairy tale, Once upon a time. If only she lived in a fairy tale, her life was everything but one. Her life started off as one, but not all fairy tales have a happy ending where the Princess lives Happily ever after with her Prince lover. Expectations vs reality if you must.

Once. It can be temporary, I once owned something. Something that formerly belonged to you or you had; it could be an object, friendship, emotions, a life and so much more. 

Once. It can symbolise even a number, it practically has the number one in itself. It's also the number eleven in Spanish but that's irrelevant right now. 

Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Marinette. It starts like every other fairy tale does, the mother of the main protagonist is dead and she's left to be raised by her father and other family members. Marinette wasn't born in the most ideal city but her family made it more than ideal, they made it perfect.

Everything was amazing for the girl, all till the city decided to be its usual self; which lead to the young girls departure to Paris. The city of Love should've been it, Marinette truly did believe it too but life isn't what it seems. She had loving Guardians, amazing friends, it was all going great and she couldn't wait for the coming years. 

She wish she could wait, the years came all too quick. 

She soon became a heroine with powers to stop a megalomaniac. She was fine with it, she knew her family worked in a similar field, it wouldn't hurt to try and she enjoyed it thoroughly. All till one person ruined it. The antagonist in our Fairy tale: Lila Rossi. 

She's the evil queen in Snow White

She's the Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty

She's the Jaffar in Aladdin 

She's the Lady Tremaine in Cinderella 

She's the Cruella Deville in 101 Dalmatians 

She's the Gaston in Beauty and the Beast

You get what role she plays in this tale. 

The story starts to go downhill with her lies, back stabbing, stealing. She reaches her lowest, everyone's gone. No partner in 'crime', no friends, no family, no one. 

Then when the Prince is meant to enter the plot, he hasn't no, not yet. She's still stuck, she's digging her own grave; she's aware she is and won't stop the process. 

Yet, unbeknownst to our antagonist, her Prince is shining armour isn't real, he isn't her love interest No. It's the trip she won for her class. 

I'm not speaking metaphorically, this trip is what's going to bring her back up, it's going to be apart of her stories climax. She's just not aware. To the girl, she's coming to the ending of her story, the words 'the end' are approaching faster and faster. 

Her ending isn't going to be your typical fairy tale ending where she lives Happily ever after with the love of her life. She's ending unhappily ever after. She's aware. 

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