Chapter 15

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⚠⚠⚠ (!!Warning!! Suicide, abuse, self-harm, swearing and bullying are mentioned throughout this chapter and I advise sensitive readers to be cautious reading ahead.) ⚠⚠⚠

Lots of love Abs xx

This is nothing but a quick recap

Marinette Martha Wayne is the daughter of you know who, the surname is an obvious give away, but just in case you don't know and your brain is dying just like mine, her biological father is Bruce Wayne. I really can't be asked to get into detail, but it happened.

Anywho, lovely lady here lived with her father and brothers till life happened and the man upstairs decided, "you know what, I don't like the Wayne's so imma mess up their lives and ruin it  instead of killing them all and ending their miserable lives, despite that being Satans job" man said that. Marinette was sent to Paris, out of all the thousands of countries in the world, girl could've gone to england and stayed with me and not learn a new language. But no, she went to france and became fluent in a new, long ass, complicated language. (Please so excuse my language 🙏) she even had to get rid of her American accent, who does that though?!?

Anywho, she had a good life their. Good guardians, good friends, no crime or crazy ass clown with the worst fashion sense. But Mr Ass-greste decided to go all ego-maniac when his wife died or went into a coma, or whatever happened to the woman. As you all already know, Wang Fu, the previous miraculous guardian recruited ladybug and chat noir, better known as Marinette and Adrien. And life was good, no emotional strain, class strain, Nada. But then everything changed and went downhill. All because of a stupid teenage girl who couldn't stay in a country, that is next door to Paris, might I add!! She could've stayed in Italy with her dad, but No!! She left!

Then life changed. People became asses and people changed. Bruh, life changed. For the better, or for the worse? You tell me 🤷‍♀️

Anyway, everyone began to hate your beloved baby girl Marinette. It lead to emotional and physical harm, the girl was hanging by a thread which is closer than ever from breaking; she's holding onto the thread too tight.

Then, Assgreste junior decided to sexually abuse ma baby and became someone I want to stab with my mothers kitchen knife and biggest heel, then hire them Olympic Javlin throwers, and get them to throw him all the way down to hell with the whoever's runs the place and torture him for the rest of eternity before I run down there myself and do the honours. The offer is very tempting, I ain't gonna lie about that.

Then B*tch *cough cough* I mean lie-la Rossi decided, "I don't like this girl, so imma get rid of her permanently".

This is why you do not approach a deranged lunatic guys and make an alliance to practically destroy the world to bring back a woman from the dead. I would loved to just kidnap this disgusting excuse of an Italian and a human being, rent out a basement somewhere in my area, and torture her till the day I die. The she'll just have to wait in there when I die and eventually die from starvation because I'm no longer there to bring her food and torture her to my hearts contents. If anyone would like to join me, book a flight to London as soon as Corona is over, I need some people to help with this master plan, I can't do this alone.

I'm getting carried away now and I'm ranting. Such a bad habit of mine when I talk.

Back to the summary, Marinette has had enough of this foolish behaviour and has won herself a 2 week long trip back home.

Now that she's here, she's debating life choices. Her shell is beginning to crack, even her foot did 😅 because of a certain butt hole model boy. *clears throat* carrying on.

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