Chapter 39

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It all happened so fast that she could no longer function. 

She felt that maybe fighting wasn't all going to be worth it.

Was there even a reason to fight anymore? Did she have the will to carry on despite all the support and help she's getting, Oh God the amount of people who have been there with her for the past five months, could she really let them down that much?

It all started that morning when the thing first came about ever since she had that Oh so godamn awful nightmare and she knew immediately that something was wrong but to pinpoint it without a purpose or something to blame it on wasn't an option and she hated to be such a bother so she let the thing be for the time being because that's just how she's been for the past years when she was all alone with no one but herself and the Kwami for company. 

Little did she now that the thing wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. 

Marinette remembered the entire preparation procedure and the nerves flowing through her veins. It wasn't her first rodeo, she had done this so many times before that she could do it blindly but that never meant that she couldn't be scared because life was unpredictable and Marinette made sure everyone in the room with her knew that too. 

No one was going to be left behind and none would be hurt during the process because Marinette would be doomed if anything happened this time around. 

The feeling of magic covering her well built figure was a sensation she would never get tired of and she immediately felt the adrenaline kick in and she knew the reason why so it was a question she never needed to answer. 

Her bluebell eyes were bright and shone in a way that it hadn't in so many years and no one could be any more prouder of her. She couldn't be any happier but it dissipated as soon as she entered the brightly lit room. 

Her hair which was now in a ponytail instead of her bun that she had at the beginning of September, the red streaks were still there but flew downwards following the other strands of her midnight blue hair. She had found that having a ponytail was easier to manage even if it was magic, she found it more comfortable and it flattered her more than the bun did. 

The rest of her suit remained the same and that was the way she liked it. 

The streets were empty and not even a single peep could be heard and they planned to keep it that way. Over the years they had all been this way so all of this was simply second nature for the lot of them and it took barely effort at all for them to move this way. 

Then everything struck like a wrecking ball.

No, I mean they were literally struck with a wrecking ball because the akuma name, she was called wrecking ball. 

And before anymore knew, the battle begun just like that. 

Kick after kick

Punch after punch

Akuma after akuma

Releasing the butterfly and it just kept going on and on but they had a duty and they all planned to get it done. 

Marinette had one job today and she planned to get it done no matter what it took because she was more determined then ever and nothing in the world could stop her from doing her rightful job and duty and the Heroine of Paris. 

Ladybug was ready and wasn't backing down till Paris was free. 

Hawkmoth would be shown no mercy today

617 Words because I said so

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