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Marinette snorted and covered her mouth with her hand as she turned her head to look to her left shoulder, biting the inside of her cheek trying her best to not burst out laughing at what she was just told.

Her eyes wandered around the packed out room filled with people of both young and old in deep conversations and laughing with one another, all of them ignoring the fact that they barely knew each other and had only met for the first time that evening at the specific event which had only started an hour and a half ago. 

She quickly cleared her throat and kept a neutral expression on her face before turning back around to face the group she was deep in conversation with too, but as soon as she met with the eyes of the man telling his stories she burst out laughing making said man come to an abrupt stop in his storytelling and the group of males and females turned to look at her with perplexed faces but small smiles appeared on their faces at the laughing bluenette who wouldn't stop. 

Her stomach and cheeks hurt from her laughing and she wasn't sure how long she had been laughing but it tired her out ever so slightly, so slightly she barely even felt it. 

She looked up at the bright lights and quickly blinked away the tears threatening to fall from her constant laughter, she didn't want to cry even if they were happy tears, she wouldn't risk ruining her make up so early on during the evening. 

Using both her hands she fanned herself as she turned her body fully back around so she could face them full on and give them an explanation at her sudden burst of happiness. 

"I am so sorry Nino but I just remembered that day so vividly and, and Oh God it was hilarious!"

She shook her head side to side several times but no too fast that she would ruin her outfit. She looked at the tan man who even in a formal setting still had his classic cap safely secured on his head were it belonged because frankly, everyone knew he looked better with it on than he did with it off. 

At the brown wide eyes she saw as a reaction to what she had just said, she indulged into a story of her own about what happened later on during that certain day all those years ago. The group of friends left in tears and content pain that was all for a good cause. 

It had been around three hours now into the evening and Marinette was now standing alone leaning against a white pillar, one foot propped up on the pillar as she scrolled through her phone.

She had a pounding headache from the bright lighting and the flashing lights of the paparazzi who wouldn't seem to back off no matter the number of security. 

She had left her group of friends around thirty minutes ago and she knew they all went on to probably go eat from the buffet that they had for the event. The occasion was nothing special but it totally was very special.

Her oldest but non-biological brother had finally proposed last year and the engagement news had been all over the news. Everyone thought that when the word of the first Wayne wedding would bring about some people from the past and they obviously weren't wrong because many ex classmates came crawling back and begging down on their knees but they were payed no mind. 

Today had finally come and the two love birds had gotten married, they couldn't be happier but when Kor'i accidentally spilled the beans that she was two months pregnant during her bachelorette party that Marinette and Steph organised - mainly Steph, the girls went mad but the news had yet to travel to the Wayne patriarch and that had been quite a surprise to the family knowing how quick and how bad they all were at secret keeping. 

Marinette was wearing a black dress that was slightly tight but flowy at the same time just passing her knees with black flats covering both her feet, a see through shawl with red butterflies scattered all over draped over her shoulders making her a bit more secure at the amount of skin she was showing because did I mention she was wearing no tights and her dress was short sleeved.

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