Pirates of the Carribean- Legolas

Start from the beginning

"-We will give you one night to recover before we get others to help you go back to your oceans, but step one foot off the beach and we will know it."

Night had fallen and Legolas and Will still gave each other a wide berth. You did have to admit it was strange that others who possibly came from another world were seeking help.

How did they not know of elves? How did one of them look like Legolas? There were many questions you wanted to ask, and many questions you knew you would never have the answer to.

You noticed Will wandering up and down the banks, studying the forest. You walked up to him, as you passed the crew they whistled and chirped at you. You shot an arrow past one of their ears and they shut up.

"Tell me about your land, or ocean," you demanded upon reaching Will. You never knew what was outside of your borders.

"It's a bit like this," he started, "only there are more civilizations and more people. In our world we don't have elves."

"No elves? Not even a dwarf, a hobbit, or an orc?"

"No," he answered, looking like he had a few more questions of his own.

"What about dragons?"

"We have legends about them, but no one has ever seen one. We have a water beast called a Kraken, but that is all I have seen."

You leaned in, genuinely interested. You were going to ask another question but out in the forest, a twig snapped. You stood up and drew your bow.

"What is it?" Obviously he hadn't heard. By now you could hear thundering footsteps. A couple seconds later orcs charged on the beach. Legolas was already in the action, his sword was drawn. Will and the pirates were quick to join the battle. Will and Legolas fought side by side, you noticed that some of heir techniques were the same and they seemed to get the same idea to team up against the attackers.

They also had weird weapons. They reminded you of the bombs Saruman had created at the Battle of Helms Deep. Only, they were hand-held like a knife. And the blasts were controlled to one person. Maybe these pirates were also sorcerers!

The battle was going smoothly, it seemed like pirates added a new viciousness that orcs weren't used to, but you were separated from the group. A sword was stabbed through your side. You let out a gasp and Will and Legolas looked up at the same time. They immediately ran to defend you and killed off any orcs nearby until the battle was won.

"Y/n!" Legolas grabbed you and pulled you close.

"Let me help." Will kneeled beside you and reached out to inspect your wound. Legolas shot him a glare, but did not resist the help his lookalike offered. It seemed that the battle had somewhat helped Legolas trust the pirates more. Will then grabbed some bandages and cloth out of his bag and help wrap up your wound.

"Thank you," Legolas said quietly as you started to drift of into sleep.

"It's no problem," Will answered. "She reminds me of Elizabeth Swan, my love back at home. They don't bare the resemblance like we do, but they are alike at heart."

From then, Legolas seemed to trust Will more. He drew a map of the waters from where they came from and also drew them a star guide.

"If you follow this star, it should lead you to where the ships of Valinor go," you told them in the morning. They had taken you out to the Black Pearl where you met the Captain Jack Sparrow. "-but you don't want to go there because that land is full danger, elves were banished from there long ago. I believe this star should help you. There is the rock forest there, under the waters. Head East here for a couple leagues and you will be past it." You pointed to the corresponding locations on the map.

"Maybe if you take this path it should get you to open water, there at least you can set course to the unknown lands." Legolas helped them see the course on the map. "The route Y/n suggested may also give you familiar landmarks but there is rough waters towards that direction."

"We have our heading," Captain Jack said drunkenly. He made a course out of your combined information with Legolas. "Will, take them to shore."

"Thank you for helping us," Will told you.

"Thank you for helping us," you replied. You got off the boat and turned to Will, holding your hand to your heart then stretching your palm outwards. He nodded, sensing your goodbye gesture. You ran off into the forest and let Legolas say his goodbye.

"Will," Legolas started, "it was strange meeting you, but I think it's best if Middle Earth remain hidden from the men on Earth."

"Agreed." Will suddenly lurched forward and gave Legolas a hug, which Legolas awkwardly returned. "We will have an interesting story to tell to our children."

"Agreed," Legolas laughed, "but make sure they don't try to adventure here."

"Got it," Will chuckled. "Goodbye, Legolas."

"Goodbye, Will."

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