Starting x The x Journey

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"Oi, you slut why don't you take off the little clothes you have on and come spend a night with m-..." The random cat caller dropped on the floor with a little ball of fire spreading through his body.

"Stupid rat... Catcalling women is disrespectful." I muttered to myself. I saw the crowd of people surround his dead body. "Hm, that's sad. He could've lived longer if he wasn't disrespectful."

I turned around and kept walking towards the boat that my Grandpa Zeno said was gonna take me to the hunter exam. I'm actually pretty young, I'm 18 years old. Although I am of legal age if I really try I can pull off as a 15-year-old.

I was wearing these tight biker shorts with mid-thigh socks, and a white flannel with my bra under it. Of course, close-minded men would catcall but I don't wear it for them I wear it for myself because 1. it's easy to move in and 2 I think I look hot in it.

"Oi, is this the ship for the hunter exam shit?" I asked the old man who I presumed was the captain. "Yes, young lady it is, please go sit in the cabin along with the other examiners." I went to where I saw all the other people and sat down on the floor in the corner.

I had a bookbag that carried 5 days worth of clean clothes and protein bars. I had about 50 protein bars stuffed in my bookbag. Grandpa Zeno told me that the hunter exam can last up to a month and if that was the case I wanted to have at least some extra clothes and energy.

*time skip to where the big storm is happening on the ship*

I've been awake this entire time, I also packed a 1000 page coloring book and 3 colored pencils just to keep me entertained. My phone is only for emergencies.


'What the fuck was that' I wondered. I finally lifted my head up for the first time in hours just to see people either passed out or vomiting. I did see 3 people who looked like they were in great condition though one of them was a kid around 10-13 if I had to take a guess. Then there was this... boy or girl? I'm not certain but they look around my age. Then there's this like 30-year-old with a suit on. Doesn't he know he's gonna have to get dirty in this...

"Here you go drink this! It's a tea that will help with your seasickness" I heard the boy who was around 10-13 say. He had green spiky hair and this all-green outfit with a small book bag and a fishing pole.

He turned around and looked at me and smiled at me. I didn't know what to say so I waved at him and smiled back.

"Hey! I'll be right there in a sec lemme help these few more people!" He yelled. Was he talking to me? Hm, I believe so, it would be nice to have someone who I'm familiar with being around.

After he helped a majority of the people he walked over to me and sat down on a box that was across from me. "Hey! What's your name? I'm Gon Freecs!" Gon enthusiastically exclaimed. "F-FREECS?" I questioned him.

He gave me a weird look and nodded. Why did he give me that look? Maybe they just have the same last name... "Nevermind... I thought you were related to someone I know. Anyways my name is Y/N Zoldyck. How old are you? You look a little young to be taking the exam."

I thought I was gonna hurt his feelings but he didn't mind at all. "Oh, I'm 12! I wanna become a hunter just like my dad, Ging Freecs!"

I accidentally broke my crayon when I heard that. This kid is Ging Freecs' SON?? That's so cool. "Oh... your crayon broke..." Gon's voice sounded a bit sad. I giggled a bit and then replied to him "Pfft, it's wax it can be melted back together anyways that's cool! Especially for someone your age!"

I decided to keep quiet about his dad because it seemed like he didn't know him. I didn't wanna be the one to tell him that he's one of the world's most talented nen users and hunters.

"How old are you? You don't look much older than me." That made me feel kinda happy, I like getting mistaken for someone younger. "Hmm, guess how old I am." I asked him.

He thought hard about it for a solid minute and then came up with a conclusion. "Hm well judging from the way you broke that crayon without actually putting any pressure on you means you have really rough or strong hands. You don't look to be bulky so I'm guessing you have rough hands, if you were my age your hands would've been much softer. But you also look really young almost like you could be 15 but... You're 18." I stared at the kid being honestly surprised.

"Wow Gon... you're one of the first people to guess my age while giving good evidence on why." He giggled and then we heard this man yelling at the blonde boy or girl.



They argued about something but me and Gon didn't know what, we walked up to them and the man who looked like he was 30 immediately looked down at my boobs and started having a nosebleed. "Disgusting. You're one of those..." I snapped at him.

"You're not only disrespectful to my clan but also to women! You're disgusting Leorio." The blonde person barked.


"Oi... you. What's your name?" I asked the man who looked like he was 30. He looked at me up and down and started to drool but snapped out of it eventually. "It's Mr Leorio, Miss...?" I was hesitant of giving him my name but let it slide. "I'm Y/N Zoldyck." I answered.

"ZOLDYCK AS IN THE ASS- ass-..." He slowly fell asleep whenever I put my hand on his chest using my nen ability. "Hm. Now that he's taken care of, what's your name?" I asked the blonde person. "Kurapika Kurta." Kurapika answered in a monotone voice.

"Holy shit you're part of the Kurta clan? I thought they were all dead? I studied about the Kurta clan a few years back and found them very interesting. Never thought I would run into a survivor."

Kurapika looked at me surprised but soon his face turned into a faint smile. "Thank you for recognizing my brethren..." I nodded and threw Leorio over my shoulder.

"H-hey isn't he heavy for you? He's like twice your size..." Gon asked. "No, I'm fine I've carried things that were 10x his weight.

*time skip to when they dropped us off at the port to go the hunter exam*

"I'm so hungryyyyy, is there any food around here? Where even are we?" Leorio whined. "Damn can you shut up? Here take a damn protein bar." I threw him a protein bar and he threw the wrapper and ate it in 1 bite.

"THIS ISNT GONNA FILL ME U- oh I actually feel pretty full... Thank you Y/N" I nodded my head and we kept walking.

We completed all the stages and finally got to a restaurant for our final destination. "Are we at the right place?" Gon asked me as he tugged onto my flannel. "This is where the shapeshifter animal people told us where it was..." I answered back.

Kurapika went and told the chef something and told us to follow him. He guided us to an elevator with a table and we all sat down and the elevator started going down until we reached where our true destination was at...

"Welcome to the 287th Hunter Exam!"

hey guys author here! I left out Y/N nen ability because she's gonna explain it to hisoka in the next few chapters! I'm also working on an Izuku x reader story on my page so check that out if you're into that kind of stuff :)

* currently editing this lol 3/26/21*
- meli-chan

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