The x Day x Where x You x Dress x Up

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It was one of my favorite days in the year but Hisoka's least favorite....

"Happy halloween!" I exclaimed while holding 2 pumpkin buckets for Ace and Harlequin. This would be their second halloween and they would be dressing up this year again.

"Halloween? That's today? No wonder why I saw all of this scary decorations on people's doors!" Hisoka shivered while taking Ace and Harlequin and holding them tightly.

"The neighbors had fucking cats in a witches hat..." I responded while opening up the curtain blind and revealing it to him.

He looked away and covered Ace and Harlequin. "Don't worry my children, I will protect you from all of the mischief that goes on today!"

I could hear Harlequin hitting the shit out of Hisoka. She popped her head out of his grasp gasping for air.

"YOU'RE GOING TO SUFFOCATE THEM DAMNIT!" I yell while pulling her out and then pulling Ace out. I put both of them down and Hisoka slightly turned to us trying to avoid the window.

"Darling, can you close the window? I don't want the kids seeing that horror show that the neighbors have on! We moved to a neighborhood to try to live like a normal family but, they all have scary stuff on their porches..." Hisoka went down on his knees and buried his face into my stomach.

"Stand up damnit I'm going to go close it." I hold his head and saw tears in his eyes. "A-ARE YOU CRYING?!"

He wiped away his tears and went behind me while I closed the blinds. He went to go look for  the twins while I walked over to the table to get their shoes.

"Why do you have their shoes, my love?" He asks while carrying them. I take Harlequin away from him and set her down on the couch to start putting on her shoes.

"We're going to Target. We have to go get candy and a bucket for later on tonight for Milukki to hand out candy for the kids. All of my siblings are coming even Illumi so maybe you can tag along with him since you guys have something... special." I put Harlequin down and take Ace to start putting on his shoes.

"Illumi is coming?! Oh we can dress up! Maybe we can be a husband and a wife!" He starts fantasizing.

"We're not even married and you're already thinking about marrying my brother..." I muttered while setting Ace on the ground and picking up my purse.

" I muttered while setting Ace on the ground and picking up my purse

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Hisoka didn't hear what I said but instead went go put on his shoes and went to go start up the car. I took the twins and started putting them in their car seats and saw Hisoka in the passenger seat.

"I thought you were going to drive?" I ask him while walking over to the drivers seat and adjusting it. I saw him turn his head to the neighbors porch and then he quickly closed his eyes while looking straight ahead.

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