"Thank you for taking care of me for the last two months. I don't know if how i repay you for not leaving me despite of my condition months ago." I heard Nayeon said to me which i immediately turns back my gaze at her.

Her carefree smile appeared on her face.

How i missed that smile.

"Don't mention it Ms.Nayeon, it's my job to do that, so no need to thank me." I smiled back at her but she suddenly creased her brows as if she didn't like what i sad.

Did i just say it to her wrongfully?

"Okay? Then leave now!" She suddenly yelled at me which made me jumped on my stand.

I could feel the sting that strucked inside me when she yelled...!

That hurts to be honest.

I couldn't blame her if she blurted out that to me, i think she really didn't like what i said.

So i didn't push any further and genuinely smiled at her, a fucking genuine smile..!!

"Alright. Goodnight everyone." I bowed at them and walked to the door and then my tears immediately fell down on my cheek when i couldn't restrain it anymore.

I ran to the nearest restroom and entered in one of the cubicle to let out all the pain i have inside me for moments.

Never did i imagine that the pain i have felt was so fucking unbearable.

I could feel my body shaking and my sobs was getting louder.

I let out a heavy sigh and tried not to get attention from somebody if someone might enter the restroom.

"I can do this! I can do this! For the sake of my girlfriend and my unborn child, i will endure all the pain that she will going to throw at me..!" I mumbled in between my sobs and rested my head on my knees as i  continued to let out the pain in my heart.



"I didn't know why you hated her that much, she hadn't done anything for you to yell at her just like that." I disappointedly uttered and glared at Nayeon unnie.

It has been a week passed after she woke up from the coma but all i witnessed from her were death glares or disgusted expression towards Shia.

And i am so done with her, i swear!

Doesn't she even realize that she's over heels inlove with Shia LeCoutre?!

If only i could just spits it out to her how she's so freakingly inlove with Shia, i would tell her right away!

"Didn't you hear what she had said? Instead of answering me in a civil way, she just said i'm just her job. Such a conceited asshole!" She blurted out which made me furrowed my brows.

So, what's her point?

"You got mad because she answered, you're just her job? So, what do you want her to answer, that she's your girlfriend and she loves taking care of you? Is that what you want to hear from her?" I suddenly glared at Tzuyu who was already got pissed with our eldest.

I gave her a signal to keep her mouth shut but the maknae only responded with a shrug.

"Girlfriend? Oh fucking hell no!" Nayeon unnie disgustingly reacted and cringed.

If you only knew Im Nayeon, if you only knew..!

"If you just don't have amnesia Nayeon unnie, the day you woke up, i already hit you on your head..!" Tzuyu blurted out again and left the room without turning her head at us.

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