Chapter 13: It Might've Been a Nightmare

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[A/N: haha enjoy :')]

Lance awoke in a cold sweat. He looked around and all he saw was bright lights. He didnt know what was going on until his vision finally focused. He was in the hospital. Why? He didnt know. He then saw Keith sitting on a chair close to his bed. Keith was holding Lance's hand, but was also asleep. Lance smiled until the door opened. Then he saw that the nurse freaked out and ran out to go somewhere else. 'What in the world is going on and what the fuck is wrong with that lady?' He shook his thoughts away when he felt Keith rub his hand. "Oh you're awake." Lance said and smiled.

Keith shot up and started crying. "'re awake!" Keith hugged Lance so tight that Lance could barely breath. "K-Keith I c-cant breath!" Keith let go of Lance. "Oh s-sorry-" Keith rubbed the back of his neck. Lance looked around and then stared back at Keith. "Keith why am I here?" Keith looked concerned. " dont remember?" Lance shook his head 'no'. Keith started tearing up more. "'ve been in a coma for 2 fact..your parents were about to pull the plug if you didnt wake up this week.." Lance's eyes widened when Keith said "coma for 2 months". He started to to tear up.

"Wait..if I've been in a coma..then.." Keith looked at Lance confused and concerned about what Lance was about to say. "Are we..a thing?" Keith raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean.."a thing"..?" Lance teared up even more. "Are we dating?" Keith looked at Lance softly. "Yes silly! We started dating like a week ago." Lance sighed in relief. "What's the last thing you remember?" Lance shook his head after Keith said this. "The last thing I remember is probably not even true." Keith sat back down in the chair and held Lance's hand. "Just tell me and I'll tell you if it's true or not." Lance nodded his head.

"I remember bringing you some food and you smiled at me..and thanked me..and I kissed your forehead.." Lance was concentrating and trying to remember what he thought was real. "Oh but before that I woke you up and you were livid. And then Shiro walked in and saved me cause it looked like you were trying to kill me. Oh and then I walked out and talked to Hunk and Pidge and-" Keith shook his head and interrupted Lance. "I'm sorry Lance but..that never happened." Lance shrugged his shoulders. "Well atleast I know that we didnt have an argument like that. Atleast I know that this time being with you isnt a dream." Keith and Lance both smiled.

Then suddenly the door slammed open, scaring he two gays. "Oh my goodness..MY SON!" Lance's mother ran over to Lance and hugged him tightly. "¡Lance no vuelva a entrar en coma! ¡Me asustaste muchísimo!" Lance's mother backed away a bit as Lance shook his head. "Mamá, no puedo evitar que pase un coma." Lance's father stepped over and gave Lance a small hug. "Escucha a tu madre, hijo." Lance shook his head and rolled his eyes, which earned him a chancla to the face. "¡No me faltes el respeto a tu padre Lance y a mí!" Before the three could argue anymore, the rest of the gang filed in one by one. Hunk, Shay, Pidge, Matt, Shiro, and even Lance's brothers and sisters and cousins were there.

"Te extrañamos Lance." All of the brothers, sisters, and cousins said. While Hunk, Shay, Pidge, Matt, and Shiro just said "We missed you." Lance looked down with a smile. "I love you all." Lance started tearing up. They all looked at him confused and worried. "You okay hijo?" Lance wiped his tears. "Yeah I'm fine mamá. I just realized how much you all care about me." They all group hugged, then Keith spoke up. "Of course we care about you. You're amazing, Lance. You're funny, kind, and you listen to us when we need to just rant a little. You are such a caring individual. That's why we all care for you."

Lance's heartrate monitor was going off but they all stared at Lance confused because he wasnt even dead. "Dude I think you broke th-" Lance pulled Keith down and kissed him. Keith was surprised at first but kissed Lance back. They both pulled away and smiled. Then everyone started clapping and cheering. Both of the gays blushed and looked down. "My my hijo you sure have a good taste in men." Lance quickly looked up. "Mamá! ¡No puedes decir cosas así! Y por favor lárgate ... me estás avergonzando-"

His mother laughed and walked out along with her husband and their children and the cousins as well. Hunk and Shay left earlier to go wedding shopping. Pidge and Matt left when they saw kissing. Shiro was a proud father and was standing their all teary eyed. "Shiro just..please leave us be for a bit?" Keith pushed Shiro out the door and closed and locked the door afterwards. Lance scooted over so Keith could lay down next to him. They both cuddled close together and smiled.

"I love you." Keith said to Lance.

"I love you too." Lance said to Keith.

"I l-love"
"God damn it! I thought you said you fixed this thing!"

"I did! Is it not working?"

"No! It malfunctioned during my movie!"

"What movie?"

"Everything I Wanted."

"Damn! And that's a good one too!"

"Haha yeah.."

"Hang on lemme work on it a bit more and see if it-"


And so the two gays lived happily ever after.

The End



Author-Trash (aka me): Daddy chill-

You: wh-

Me: It's not over I'm just being funny. is over but I'm gonna make a Christmas special and then it'll die like the rest of my books. :)

You: I-

Me: Haha just let me be..I'm going through the circle of life.

ANYWAYS hope ya liked this piece of sh-

And I hope you have an amazing Christmas. :)

(Unless you dont celebrate that- then have a good day! :) )

*Edit: if you want the English versions of the Spanish stuffs here ya go :)*

¡Lance no vuelva a entrar en coma! ¡Me asustaste muchísimo!
(Lance dont go back into a coma! You scared the hell out of me!)

Mamá, no puedo evitar que pase un coma.
(Mom I cant stop a coma from happening.)

Escucha a tu madre, hijo.
(Listen to your mother, son.)

¡No me faltes el respeto a tu padre Lance y a mí!
(Don't disrespect your father and me, Lance!)

Te extrañamos Lance.
(We missed you Lance)

Mamá! ¡No puedes decir cosas así! Y por favor lárgate ... me estás avergonzando-
(Mom! You cant say things like that! And please go're embarrassing me-)
Words: 1066

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