Chapter 9: A Tragedy Strikes

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(A/N: Let me be honest for a second..I really have no motivation to type out every single day they are at this vacation thing so..yeah..enjoy?)

A few days pass and before Lance could even realize, it was already their last day. Tomorrow they would leave and go back to their normal lives. Lance was sad to be honest with you. He didn't want to go back to his horrid life. He hated his boss and hated his job. He never got the correct amount of money and was always overworked with no extra money for it.

All Lance wanted to do was have time off every once in a while. No, not just that. Lance wanted to have a better job. One that he actually enjoys. Lance wanted a better life. He wanted his friends back. He wanted..stop. Just stop. Stop it all. Stop this nonsense playing back and forth in my head! Stop thinking about it! Get out of my head! Lance couldn't take it anymore. Stop. He wanted to be free..but was that just too much to ask for? Stop it!

Lance had had it. He left the cabin and went straight to his car. He got in and drove off. He was just going out for a drive. He needed to clear his head. He needed freedom. He needed peace. He never meant to head down a road he didn't know of. He never meant to cross that bridge. He never meant to hit that pole. He never meant to forget about wearing his seat belt. He never meant to go flying out of the now broken front window. He never meant to fall in that ocean. And he never meant to let Keith witness what had just happened.

Keith? What was Keith doing here? Keith had been following Lance. Keith wasn't a stalker. He wasn't a weirdo. He wasn't insane. He just noticed that Lance had been off. He had noticed how Lance acted more sad and more depressed over the smallest of things. He had noticed. He witnessed it all. And now he was witnessing Lance. Lance had flung out of the broken front window. Lance had landed in the ocean. And Keith instantly got out of his own car and went after Lance.

I'm not letting you go. Not this time. Keith had jumped into the ocean. He was crying but you couldn't tell. The ocean waters were only helping him cover his tears. Keith had grabbed onto Lance tightly and pulled him up to the surface. Lance was unconscious, but he was still breathing. Keith knew he had to perform CPR to keep Lance alive. Keep him alive. Keith knew that this was the only way. Keith knew CPR by heart. And Keith had performed it just then for Lance. Come on. Please. Please please please. Don't do this to me. I need you. I want you. Please come back to me!

Lance coughed up water and gasped. He opened his eyes to see his savior. Keith. Lance smiled a sad but happy smile and hugged Keith as tightly as he could muster. Keith hugged him back instantly. Thank you. Thank you so very much Lance. I promise to keep you safe. Always. Lance wiped Keith's tears. Keith smiled at him weakly and Lance did the same. They both needed this moment. Sure, it had gone terribly wrong in the beginning, but they were together in the end. And that's all that mattered. You are all that matters.

They both stood up. Keith was helping Lance get up obviously. Then it hit them. It hit them clearly. The spark. The magic. It was beautiful. They both looked at each other's eyes. They both looked closely waiting for the other to make a move. But then they heard sirens. Sirens? They looked over at the road and saw that the police and the firefighters were there. Ready to help. Keith and Lance sighed. They were waiting too long and now it was ruined.

"Go ahead," A firefighter had said, "take all the time in the world." He then walked away and waved at his fellow firefighters and policemen signaling to wait a bit. Keith and Lance looked at each other confusingly until they realized what the firefighter had meant. They both blushed and looked away from one another. Then Keith looked back up and used his hand to move Lance's head to look at him. Keith stared into Lance's ocean blue eyes. Lance looked into Keith's sapphire eyes. They both parted their lips. They both leaned in. They both kissed.

They could hear the cheers from the firefighters and policemen, but they blocked it out. They could hear the clapping from the other citizens, but they ignored them. All they wanted to do was stay in that moment forever. The moment where everything around them became blank except for each other. Where the only thing that mattered was you. The only thing that matters is you. They stopped and took a breath. They were panting for a bit until they looked back into each other's eyes. "I got everything I wanted." They both said and smiled.

The End

Author-Trash here! Yeah so uh hope you liked it.,haha it was kinda shortened but I just wanted to get to the point of the whole thing.

So what did you think?

Did I make you cry?

Did I make you mad?

Did I make you want more?

Did I mention that you can ask for a part two?


Oh..well can ask for a part two..

Words: 945

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