Chapter 5: The Mall

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A/N: Yeah I didnt die yet Haha..
But I have school now and stuff so weekends will be the only days I can update.

Lance woke up around 6:30 in the morning. He made breakfast and coffee to start the day. He yawned and walked over to the dining table to sit down and eat. He felt his phone vibrate on the table and set down his fork to see what the notification was. He saw that it was the group chat.

Pidge: Anyone else going to the mall today?

Lance: Yeah

Pidge: Aight I'll wait for you at the entrance.

Lance: Ok

Lance set his phone down and finished up his breakfast. He quickly got dressed and then headed out to his car. He got in his car, turned it on, and drove off to the mall. Once he got there, it was around 11:00 o'clock. He parked and turned off the car before walking into the mall. He saw Pidge wave at him and he waved back, walking over to her. Hunk and Matt were with her. "Hi, Lance!" Hunk had said to him and Lance responded with a slight nod and a smile.

The four of them walked together, searching the mall for what they needed. They knew they would eventually have to leave and go to other stores because the mall didn't have suitcases and other necessities. Once they finished shopping and looking around, they all decided to go back to their cars and meet up at another store. They all parked next to each other, close to the store. They entered together and looked around for what they needed. Lance found a blue suitcase, Pidge found a green suitcase, Hunk found an orange suitcase, and Matt decided he was going to get a suitcase that was black with slight orange details.

They all said goodbye and headed off to their houses to pack their stuff. When Lance got back, he carried his new clothes in first. He made multiple trips from his car to his room. Once he got everything inside his house, he locked his car and headed back into his room. He set everything neatly on his bed. He decided to take off tags and stickers, that were on his clothes, first. Then he neatly folded them and put them in his blue suitcase. He put in a bag with his toothbrush, toothpaste, and skin care products. He then put in a different bag that had his shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and scrub in it.

Once he put everything else in his suitcase, he got his small backpack out of his closet. It was blue with small red details. He put in a small journal that he was going to use as a diary. He also put in a pencil case filled with pencils, pens, erasures, and a pencil sharpener. He also put in his spare phone charger and spare earbuds. He had plenty of time left for the day as it was only 3 in the afternoon. He already had lunch and had checked his phone many times waiting for a notification to pop up. Every once in a while he'd see an Instagram notification about suggested followers.

Then his phone vibrated again and he thought it was going to be another Instagram notification, but instead he saw it was the group chat. Keith had texted about changes to the date.

Keith: Sorry for the short notice but plans have changed. Shiro and I thought it would be best if we left tomorrow instead. So quickly pack up your things and meet us at the airport at 5 AM.

Pidge: Aight

Hunk: Alrighty!

Matt: K

Lance: Alright see ya there.

Lance saw it was now 6 PM, so he made dinner. He ate his dinner while watching a Disney movie. After the movie ended, he quickly got ready for bed, knowing he would have to wake up early tomorrow. He layed down and put the blankets over him, yawned, and then closed his eyes. He drifted off to sleep after 30 minutes of silence.

A/N: Sorta short but uh I tried. I will be making the next chapter about the airport so stay tuned for that. Uhhh well uhhh....heh

Aight well Author-Trash out!
Words: 720

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