Chapter 10: It's Not "The End"

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Keith woke up sweating and had gasped outloud. Wait..was that all just a dream?? no no...there's no way! He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and calmed his breathing. He got up off the bed and walked into his bathroom. He splashed water over his face and grabbed a towel to wipe off the water droplets. So..if that was all just a dream..then..Lance is okay! But...

Keith heard frantic knocking on his door and so he quickly finished up and walked back into his bedroom. He opened the door to find Lance. Keith had noticed that they were still at the cabin, but he didnt know what day it was. "Hey, you alright? I heard a scream.." Keith looked up at Lance after hearing his angelic and soothing voice. He noticed that Lance truly felt concerned for him and he smiled a little. "I'm alright..I just had a little nightmare is all." Though I wouldn't say it was completely a nightmare..

Lance nodded at Keith's words and smiled at him, relieved. "That's good. I mean-! Not like it was good that you had a bad dream! It's just good that something terrible didnt happen to you! I-! I mean-! I'm sure the nightmare was terrible for you but-!" Keith pulled in Lance's face and kissed him. Lance stood there shocked and very still, not moving a muscle. " are you finally done talking? You're giving me a headache." Lance looked at Keith still shocked, but loosened up a little. Then realization hit him.

"Wait a second! Did you just kiss my virgin lips without consent??" Keith laughed a little and smiled at Lance. "Virgin? Are you sure about that? What about Allura?" Lance blushed embarrassingly, but quickly came up with an excuse. "No I meant virgin as in I've never kissed a guy before.." Keith raised his eyebrows in shock and then smirked. "The Tailor, The SharpShooter, The Lance McClain, has never ever kissed a guy!" Lance punched Keith's arm and said, "Shut up!", while Keith was laughing.

"What's all the commotion about?" Pidge asked while crossing her arms over her chest, clearly not amused. She secretly was fangirling, but she would never tell anyone about it..well..maybe Hunk..and Matt..and Shiro..and Bae Bae...and all of her robots..and- You get the point. "Oh nothing it's just that Lance, over here, has never ever ever, not even once, kissed a guy." Pidge rolled her eyes. "Shocker." She then left to go tell literally everyone what she saw and heard. That's right. She saw everything. Even the kiss. Fools.

Meanwhile Lance was awkwardly standing next to Keith. I mean, Lance did like Keith, but that random kiss shocked him. Like..really shocked him. Does Keith really like me? Or was he really just trying to shut me up? Keith waved his hand over Lance's eyes. "Hey! Earth to Lance! Hey! Stop dancing in La La Land!" Lance shook his head put of his thoughts and stared into Keith's sapphire eyes. "What?" Keith chuckled and shook his head. "You were thinking too hard about something, I could tell. What's on your mind?"

Lance blushed and Keith noticed. "I mean if it's that embarrassing you dont have to-" Lance pushed Keith into Keith's room and locked the door behind them. "Hey! What's your prob-!" Lance pushed Keith against the wall and kissed him softly. Keith was shocked for a bit, but slowly loosened up and kissed Lance back. They were kissing for a few more minutes and were exploring each other's bodies. Lance had one hand in Keith's mullet and the other hand up Keith's shirt. Keith had one hand on Lance's cheek and the other exploring Lance's back. They parted and were breathing heavily, yet softly.

"Well that was anticlimactic." Keith said and they both started laughing and giggling before stopping and looking into each other's eyes. Then they hugged each other and smiled. They were both really happy. "So..does this mean.." Lance pulled away and looked into Keith's eyes for an answer. "Yes, we're going on a date first though." They both giggled and Keith kissed Lance's cheek and slapped Lance's ass before quickly unlocking the door and running away. "That b-" Lance darted out of Keith's room and was chasing after Keith.

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