Chapter 6: The Airport

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4 AM

*Alarm noises*

Lance wakes up because of his alarm. He hits the alarm violently, annoyed with it for waking him up. He groans and rubs his eyes, not wanting to wake up. Then he remembers why he set an alarm in the first place. He jumps up quickly, giving him a slight headache, and quickly changes into his casual clothing. He then grabs his phone and waits for the others to text in chat.

Pidge: Ayyy y'all up yet??

Hunk: Zzzzz

Keith: Always

Shiro: Yeah

Lance: As up as I'll ever be

Matt: You obviously know I'm up

Pidge: Alright so is everyone ready to leave then??

Lance: Obviously

Pidge: Great! See yall there!

Keith: Mhm

Lance turns off his phone, puts it in his jean pocket, and grabs his backpack to put it on his shoulders. He then grabs his suitcase handle and rolls it over to the front door. He opens the door and drags his suitcase outside, before closing the door behind him. He yawns and stretches while walking to his car. Before he opens it he sees Hunk's van pull up into his driveway.

Hunk rolls down his window. "Hey buddy! Have a good rest?" Lance smiles weakly and shakes his head. "Eh..wish I slept earlier." Hunk nods his head. "I'm picking everyone up so that way we only need to worry about one car." Lance nods his head and hops into the back seat next to Pidge. "Hey Pidge." Lance says while looking at Pidge's eyes. "Hiya Lance. What's good?" Pidge said, acting all "cool" like. "Eh nothin really." Lance replies in a monotone voice. Then immediately after he heard an angelic voice reply to his statement.

"You okay Lance?" Lance looked behind him to see who was talking to him, even though he recognized the voice. That soothing, not too high and not too low, voice. "Yeah I'm good." Lance smiled at the person talking to him. Which is, of course, Keith. Keith nods his head at Lance, signaling that he understood. Pidge looked at Lance, then to Keith, and back at Lance with one eyebrow raised. She opened her mouth to speak, but ended up closing it.

"Alrighty! Last stop is Shiro's house! Then we gotta get gas before we head off to the airport." Everyone cheered in excitement. Hunk turned on the radio and a little bit after, Lance's favorite song started playing. It just so happens that his favorite song had been Keith's favorite song as well. Keith hid that fact though, he just watched Lance sing the lyrics out loud.

Pidge noticed Keith staring and wiggled her eyebrows at him. He blushed out of  embarrassment and looked away, keeping his focus towards the trees. Matt looked at the two confused, but went back to looking at his phone. He was working on his new game. Once the song ended, Lance smiled with content. He was having a good start to the day. Hunk said, "We're here!" and then the door opened, revealing a tired Shiro.

"Hi there Mr. Grumpy Pants!" Pidge said towards Shiro and he just looked at her with his tired eyes, before hopping into the car and sitting next to Keith. "Alrighty folks! Buckle up and get comfortable! It's going to be a long drive!" Hunk said and everyone, besides him, groaned out of boredom. "Aww dont worry! It's only an hour and a half away!" Everyone besides Hunk groaned even louder. Hunk chuckled and continued driving until he reached a gas station.

He pulled into the gas station, parked the car, and got out to fill up the tank. Everyone else was patiently waiting for him to finish. Matt was still working on his game with Pidge watching what he was doing. Shiro and Keith seemed to be texting each other even though they were right next to each other. Lance on the other hand was so bored and tired that he ended up sleeping in an uncomfortable position. Hunk got back into the car and drove off towards the airport.

Once they got there, Keith had to try to wake Lance up. He ended up having to either smack Lance or pouring water on him. Keith didnt want to hurt Lance, so he chose to pour water on him. He grabbed his water bottle and tipped it over Lance's face. All of the water splashed out and Lance woke up immediately. Lance frowned and wiped his face with a towel that Hunk had given him. "I'm so sorry" Keith said to Lance and Lance shook his head, agreeing with Keith. "You should be." Pidge laughed at Lance's statement. Keith gave Lance a sympathetic expression.

They all headed into the airport and looked up to see which section their plane was in. Once they found their plane, the lady told them the plane would be ready in 10 minutes. They all sighed and headed over to the waiting chairs. They all sat down in the chairs next to each other. From left to right sat Hunk, Pidge, Matt, Lance, Keith, and Shiro. Hunk, Pidge, and Matt were talking about Matt's new game and how they can improve it. Shiro and Keith were texting each other because apparently talking with their mouths wasnt an option. Lance decided to check his phone as well. He didn't have a lot of notifications, but he checked the few he did have.

After 10 minutes of them all being bored, the plane was finally ready to board. They had first class seats. They had seats A3, B3, E3, F3, E4, and F4. Shiro sat in chair A3, Keith sat in B3 next to him. Lance sat in E3 with Hunk in F3 next to him. Pidge sat in E4 with Matt next to her in F4.

 Pidge sat in E4 with Matt next to her in F4

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A/N: Here's the layout.

The flight was going to be very interesting. Since the whole way there, Shiro and Keith had been texting each other without speaking a word. Lance thought maybe they were just having a private conversation. Lance was right. They were having a very private conversation. One that had involved Lance, but of course, Lance didn't know that. He'd find out sooner or later though. Just wait and see. Just wait and see.

A/N: Haha...hah... I definitely havent been working on this for more than 2 days...hahaha...ha..

But anyways I'm over 1000 words! Yay! And I hope yall like this chapter..heh..
Words: 1080

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