[12] Passion

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i began writing since elementary.

it was fun. joining different competitions, writing on my journal and through it, i've seen myself improve.

you will always find me at the school's gymnasium—other than the coffe shop nearby—it is where a bunch of performers are practicing. some may question my stay there since it's quite noisy but i would always reply that it's totally okay and i can handle it. i love to see lots of people when i'm writing and there, i get the inspiration i needed.

from those teachers and coaches, to the performers—it may be dancers, singers or even artists, they are one of my inspirations. it's just very uplifting to see people do their crafts, things they consider their passion which makes them happy.

my smile slowly faded when i realized something from those. i needed to bite my lip to prevent myself from sobbing. i ripped the paper in front of me, crumpled and threw it away while swallowing a lump on my throat.

the saddest story i would ever write.

i've lost my passion.

no, it isn't writing that i've lost.

i took a glance on the paper that i've thrown. i am currently writing a story and it's about a girl who loves dancing, she's been a dancer for years until an accident happened and ruined her life. it injured her legs, the reason why she's on a wheelchair—unable to dance again.

and that girl, is me.

TAKIPSILIM Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora