Christmas(Nergal Jr x Billy)

Start from the beginning

Since this is Billy we're talking about, for all Jr knew it could just be him embarrassed on telling him the biggest shit he took or something.

But what said he didn't meet those expectations.

"I-I uh...M-Mandy told me to keep this simple to th-the point so..." He fiddled with his hands for a second. "I-I love you Jr..."

Somebody, other than family, loving him? This had to be a joke, right? But his expression and overall shyness and embarrassment told otherwise, if it was a joke, especially by someone who isn't the best at impersonation like Billy, it would be blatantly obvious. This was indeed no joke...

After a moment of silence of Jr taking this all in, Billy asked in his impatience, "Well...h-how do you feel?"

"I-I love you too..." He said, whilst looking down.

Billy went over to him, hugging him and raising him up in the air. "EEEEEE! I'M SO HAPPYYY!"

Jr blushed lightly, smiling. "I-I am too."

He placed him back on the ground, unlocking the door, only to be greeted by Mandy. He wasn't as scared of her as he used to be, he used to be since she broke his plush, but she did have an intimidating aura to her so he kept quiet.

But Billy was completely fine since they've been friends for a decade. "Hey, Mandy whatcha here for?"

"My money for doing your favor. I had to talk to Nergal for 10 minutes so you two could have your little pow-wow, and God he is boring...though most adults are..."

"Aren't we adults?"

"Barely, it takes time to get boring."

"Ohhh! That makes sense." He dug in his pocket and gave her the 10 bucks they had agreed upon. The bet had been set up since her mom had told her that Amanda and her family were coming over.

She walked away as Jr sighed in relief. "Does this mean we're dating?"

"I thinks so...isn't that what couples are? Two people, who love each other a whole lot?"

"Think so...I want to be dating..."

"Same here...does this make you my boyfriend?"

He nodded happily.

Billy did that EEE sound again, he does that when he's excited when he heard his dad call out that it's time to open gifts.

The gift-opening went fairly well, everybody got what they wanted for the most part, and although they were adults, Billy, Jr, and Mandy were still the youngest among the families, so they received the most gifts. Billy got firetrucks and other toys since he still likes them, Mandy got the normal Christmas stuff, candy, socks, clothes, etc(probably because her parents were scared if they got her anything more specific, she would get angry and annoyed), as for Jr most of his presents were regular stuff.

Until the very last one addressed to him, from his dad. He unwrapped the bow carefully off the present, unlike Billy, he liked to keep it clean and since it was the last, he wanted to treat it with care.

"Just open it silly!" Billy said.

He continued to be careful with it, peeling off the tape along with the wrapping paper. Once he opened the box and looked down, he was surprised.

"Sassy Cat...?"

Nergal nodded. "I'd thought you like it."

He smiled awkwardly. "I do..." He held the plush close to him to sell the message that he did.

Writing oneshots #2 and some artWhere stories live. Discover now