Instead of going to the kitchen I head straight into my room. I keep the door open knowing nobody is home.

I drop my lax stuff in the corner it's always in and kick my slides off in the same corner.

I immediately take my shirt off so I can put it in the washer.


I'm tempted to walk over to the mirror even though I know I'll hate what I see.

"You're always eating." My mind flashes back to what she said to me.

The reason I started skipping meals.

I walk over to my mirror anyways.

I stand in front of it. My body slowly slouching.

I look down at the pink stretch marks on my legs wishing they weren't there.

I then look back up to myself wishing I didn't look like that.

That I was as skinny as her.

"What are you doing?" I hear Colton say.

I try to cover myself with my shirt.

"I'm changing." I say trying to rush into my closet.

Colton doesn't take his eyes off me which makes me feel uncomfortable.

Once I'm safely in my closet I pick try to find something baggy instead of the tight fitting tops I usually wear.

I pick out a red oversized sweater and pull it over my head. I feel secure because of it.

(TW over)

I slowly walk out of my closet. Colton is standing in the same spot he was standing when I walked into my closet.

"Let's work on our project in the kitchen." I say.

He grabs his laptop and book sitting on my bed and I grab mine out of my bag by my desk.

We make our way downstairs and into the kitchen.

I look at the plate of egg salad sandwiches sitting by the stove in the kitchen.

Colton and I set our stuff down on the island and he takes a seat.

"Would you like and egg salad sandwich?" I ask.

"Yes please. I'm starving." He says.

I walk over and grab the plate. I walk back to the island and set the plate down in between us.

I then walk to the fridge and grab two bottles of water and set that down between us.

I take my seat and open my laptop.

"If I'm being honest I have not started reading the book and have no clue what to do." I say.

"Me too. This is where sparknotes and quizlet pulls through." Colton says.

"I though you were starving?" I ask looking at the untouched plate of sandwiches.

"I am," he says. Colton looks away from his laptop and looks right at me. "I'm not eating unless you do." His voice soft again.

This time, it made me feel some type of way.

"I'm not hungry." I say.

I look away from his now blue eyes and type into my search browser for the book's spark notes.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see Colton turn his whole body towards me.


"Tell me everything you've eaten in the past two days." He says.

"Half a turkey sandwich and a bag of carrots." I tell him honestly. There's no hiding from him now. I turn to look at him. Slightly surprised by the small distance between us. His blue eyes are soft. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I ask.

"Only if you promise me you will eat better." He says his voice stern but soft.

The feeling of anger starts to rise in my throat.

(⚠️ over)

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" My voice starts to rise.

"I'm your friend." He says.

I scoot away from him.

"No you're not. We're only project partners." I say.

I can see Colton stiffen up. He places his hand on his pants pocket. He is slowly breathing through his nose.

"I need to step out." He says.

Before I can say anything else he walks out of the kitchen.

I hear the front door open then shut.

I sit there staring at the plate in front of me.

Part of me is telling me I'm not doing myself good but another part of me keeps going back to what she said to me.

One isn't going to hurt. I told my dad I'd eat at least one. So I go for one.

I didn't feel any guilt after my first bite. So I finish the sandwich.

Once I done I'm stuck on what to do next. Do I wait for Colton? Do I go check on him?

I decide to wait on him and just look through the spark notes.

I hear the front door open and shut and shortly after Colton walks into the kitchen.

I turn to look at him.

"I think I'm gonna head home." He says quietly.

He walks to the kitchen island. He seems to be keeping his distance.

He goes to grab his laptop but freezes when he looks at the plate of sandwiches.

"Good." Is all he says before packing up. "I'll see you." He says and then walks out.

Once I hear the door shut I take the plate of sandwiches and set it in the fridge. I put one unopened bottle of water back in the fridge. I gather all my stuff and head back upstairs.

I strip off my clothes and head straight for the shower.

I don't dare to glance at myself in the mirror and just get in the shower.

It's silent. I didn't bother to put music on.

I overreacted. I know I did.

But I'm too big of a wuss to say anything now.

I'm the type of person where if I think someone is mad at me I don't ask. I wait till they talk to me.

I might text Jake to see if he wants to come over.


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