Chapter 7

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"Mike and I went to that one Pizza Place we went to after we went to the rink that one day. It wasn't exactly romantic but I'm okay with that." Lilly says.

Lilly is telling us about her crush on Mike. Apparently they've been hanging out.

We're all sitting in the empty gym inn the bleachers. I guess we didn't want to go home yet because none of us have anything to do today.

"I have so many guys going after me and I don't even have my eye on a single one of them." Ellie says.

"You'll find someone eventually." I say.

"Yeah, you already found your someone." Lilly says.

I think about Jake and I. He sat with us at lunch today and it was, tense.

Colton hasn't spoken to me in two days since our little argument. Our project goes untouched.

"Lia!" Someone yells.

I look up at the direction of the voice to see Jake running in through the gym doors.

"I-I have something to do. I completely forgot." Lilly says stuttering.

She quickly grabs her stuff and rushes out of the gym.

I look at Ellie.

"I don't know." She shrugs. She looks down at her phone and then back up to me. She gives me an apologetic look, "my mom just texted me, she wants me home."

Ellie grabs her stuff and rushes out of the gym.

Alrighty then.

"Lia, watch this!" Jake yells.

He attempts at a very horrible cartwheel my way.

He then runs across the gym and grabs a basketball.

"C'mon Lia." He calls me over. So I run over to him. "Let's Play some one on one."

"You know I suck at basketball." I whine.

"I know." He smirks.

He starts dribbling the ball in between his legs. I keep trying to get it from him but I'm in fact too slow.

Then Jake starts running. Good thing I play lacrosse.

I keep up with him easily. My only problem is, I can't seem to get the ball.

I finally steal the ball away from him and start running in the opposite direction.

Just as I am about to attempt to score. Jake wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up. I feel scared that he's gonna think I'm too heavy. He swings me in the opposite direction of my basket.

"No fair!" I yell laughing.

"What do you mean?" He's laughing too. Knowing very well what I mean. He puts me down gently.

"I can't pick you up!" I say throwing the ball away from us.

"You've never tried to."

"Really? Well I'm gonna try now." I say rolling up my sleeves.

I wrap my arms around his torso and with all my might I successfully pick him up. I then put him back down.

"See, you can pick me up." He brings his hand out and ruffles my hair.

"Hey! My hair took me at least ten seconds to do this morning!" I push his hands away from my head.

Everything feels like when we first met again.

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