Chapter 27

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I'm back at Tanners house. I just hugged Jake in his pink pants.

There he is. Colton kissing another girl. His eyes piercing into mine.

And then there we are. In front of Tanner's house, telling each other that we hate each other.

I can feel myself sweat.

I look at my friends watching us. Lilly standing with her hands on her hips and her lips pressed together.

I look at Colton my vision blurred by my tears.

His blue eyes are the last thing I see before a jump awake.

My face is wet and I'm actually sweating.

Relieved that it's all a Dream. I look around my hospital room.

Colton is sleeping on the couch. His back turned to me.

I lay back down and look at the white ceiling.

Another sleepless night.

I had three "nutritious" meals today. It was hard. But Colton helped me.

Raquel and her family hasn't come to visit. Not that I want them to. Raquel is delusional.

I'm in a hospital gown now. I don't like it.

If I was at home I'd probably be outside laying in the snow right now.

What the heck. I'll just take a stroll.

I carefully swing my legs over the side of the bed. I grab onto the thingy I'm hooked up to and my glasses and quietly stand up. I put on some slippers and then my glasses. I make my way to the door.

"Mer?" I look over my shoulder and Colton is sitting up. "What are you doing?"

"I can't sleep."

Colton gets up from the couch and slips his shoes on.

"I'm coming with you."

I smile.


We walk out of the room and the hall is mostly empty except for a few doctors and nurses.

Colton and I walk down the hall in a comfortable silence.

It's not as peaceful as laying in the snow but it'll do. Down the hall there's a big window showing the snowfall.

"Do you like your present?" I ask him.

"Like it?" He says, "Mer, I love it." I look up at him and he looks down at me. "I just wish you didn't spend so much money."

"I had some help from my dad and brother. I'm also getting you tickets to whatever hockey team you want to see. Maybe meet your favorite player."

"Stop spoiling me."

"I also told Toby that he can meet his favorite player too so you're not too special." I tease.

"I just bought you a guitar."

"I can't even play the guitar." I scrunch my nose.

"Don't give me that disapproving look! It's so you can learn. I can teach you." He says.

"Yeah, you told me you would help me in some subjects in school but that never happened now did it?"

"You never asked."

"Oh whatever." I playfully roll my eyes. I look ahead. I gasp, "babies!" I say excitedly. I speed walk to the big window showing all the cute little chubby babies. "Colton, look at how cute they all are." I point to them. There's so many. They're all so cute.

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