Chapter 15

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Colton didn't show up for school today. He hasn't texted anyone either apparently.

We're all sitting at lunch having another argument.

I've been zoning in and out my mind constantly going to Colton.

I'm leaning back in my chair and my food sits untouched in front of me while my friends argue over my head.

"I think Hawaii is the better state to live in just because it has the nicest places." Lilly says.

"I'd want to live in Maiami." I speak for the first time this lunch period.

"We're talking about states here Lia." Mike says as everyone pauses to look at me.

"Yeah and I'm talking about Maiami." I say throwing a carrot at him for fun.

"Why Maiami. No offense to Florida but some pretty weird shit happens there." Mike says throwing a fry at me but he misses and hits Kylie instead.

"Hey doofus you hit me!" Kylie throws a piece of bread at him.

"Sorry I didn't mean to." Mike throws a handful of fries our way.

"Maiami has great parties!" I yell before grabbing Ellie's salad and throwing it on his side of the table.

"It's not all about parties!" Mike says throwing more fries.

"Now you guys are just hitting the rest of us." Molly says standing up and and throwing her raspberries around.

Our table starts throwing food at each other then Toby accidentally hits some girl behind Ellie. The girl gives him the dirtiest look and Toby's hands go up in surrender.

"I'm sorry. Uh...uh. Food Fight?" Toby says quietly.

The girl swings her lunch tray at him and food splatters all over us.

We start throwing food back at her in Toby's defense. Then her table starts throwing food at each other and it's a long chain affect before the whole cafeteria is throwing food at each other.

I didn't smile all day till this very moment.

I grab my brown lunch bag and stand up on the table. I dump all my food inside it right on Mike who basically started this food fight.

"Hey!" Mike yells spraying a packet of ketchup on everyone.

Ellie gets under the table to shield herself from food. I grab a handful of strawberries and duck under the table and smush then all over her face.

Ellie gasps.

She grabs whatever yucky food is on the floor and smears it all over my face and glasses.

I wipe my glasses off best I can before crawling out from under the table and joining everyone else.

"Students!" My principals voice booms through the cafeteria and everyone freezes.

I drop whatever food I have in my hand on the floor.

Our principal Scans the crowd of students until his eyes land on our table. There's a teacher standing next to him pointing directly at us.

"You eight. Come with me." He says motioning us toward him.

We all look at each other horrified and start walking side by side out of the cafeteria.

Students in the hall all look at us as we walk down the hall behind the principal. Some of their mouths hanging open.

I see Jake at his locker with Zoe. His eyes following my every movement. Zoe's face contorted into disgust.

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