Chapter 35

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I throw an unopened tooth brush at Colton and he catches it with ease.

"I am stocking your nightstand with condoms now." He says ripping the package open.

"At least you had one." I grab my own toothbrush.

The one that I did have stored away in my nightstand happened to be too small. Even though it was a large. But Colton always keeps one close to him.

"Wanna Go eat shitfaced at the pizza shop?" He asks.

"What about Toby?"

"I doubt he's awake. After drinking so much and getting hit by a car."

"Still should check on him."

"I guess." He says in an annoyed but playful tone. "How did you sleep last night?"

"I don't think either of us slept." I rub my sleepy eyes.

"I did because I was doing all the work." He leans against the sink and I smack his arm, "hey!"

"You absolutely railed me!" I push my pointer finger into his chest. Not that I didn't enjoy it.

"Only you though." He smiles. "Trust me, of you were any other girl I wouldn't be doing all the work." He turns and wets his toothbrush.

I feel my face get hot as I tie my hair back.


"He's been throwing up all morning." His mom says.

"I'm never drinking that much again." Toby says rubbing aggressively at his face. "I'm in pain everywhere!"

His left arm and right leg wrapped into a cast.

"Yeah you got hit by a car." Logan says. A few seconds later his hands shoots up to massage his side because Ellie had elbowed him.

"Can't believe I have to miss Pizza shop." Toby tilts his head down.

"I'll bring you back whatever you want." Molly offers.

All of us are different levels of shitfaced. Colton being the only sober one.

"Where's your car?" Logan asks.

"Alex came and got my keys and he drove it back to my house and Jake drove them home." Toby explains.

"Alright. I'm starving so I'm gonna go. Just text me what you want Toby." Molly says standing up.


Lilly, Mike, Molly, Ellie, Kylie, Logan, Colton, and I all squeeze into a booth together. Everything has been going on like normal. Like it always has been and like there was never a bump in the road. And I know we're all thankful for that.

"You better get that facing away from me or I might throw up." Logan says angling his body away from the pineapple pizza that sits in front of Lilly and I.

Lilly and I glance at each other and we both suppress a laugh.

Lilly picks up a price and takes a big bite.

"I don't know why you guys think this taste so bad." Lilly says with a mouthful of pizza.

I mirror her actions.

"I know. Have you guys even tried pineapple pizza?"

"I have." Colton says rubbing his face. I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"I see you three have made up." Molly says.

"Oh trust me. Mer and I made up alright." Colton says a little excited.

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