Chapter 28

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I smile at the picture of my friends and I on New Years Eve. Toby bent over the side of my bed, Logan and Ellie looking at each other with his arm around her, Molly resting her elbow on Toby's head, Kylie awkwardly standing next to Colton, my hands squeezing Colton's cheeks as he looks down at me, all of us laughing.

I turned my phone back on. I didn't really miss much accept for One Republic themselves reposting my video and a few new followers.

I decide to post the picture from New Year's Eve. So what I was in the hospital. Everyone was going to find out eventually.

"Ready to go?" My dad asks carrying my small bag of presents from my friends.

"Yeah." I stand up. I feel much energized now and not dizzy at all. My legs also don't feel like jelly.

I'm wearing thankfully different clothes from when I checked in. Except for the only thing important about it is that I'm wearing Colton's hoodie, which is the only thing that stayed the same about my outfit.

I look across the hall and see the nurse that has been basically taking care of me. She gives me a smile and I return it.

Alex left early this morning. Obviously not without saying goodbye.

My mood has lifted a lot the past few days.

I climb into my dads car. Last time I was in a vehicle was in an ambulance unconscious.

I'm happy to go home. Quite excited actually. I might go and hangout in my bathtub.

My dad and I make our journey back home. The hospital is twenty five minutes away from home. I could take a short nap, or at least I would, but I'm not exactly tired.

I fidget with the friendship bracelet on my wrist and my leg bounces up and down. Not because I'm nervous but more so because there's a buzz of adrenaline rushing through me.

Not once did Raquel and her family visit me in the hospital. I don't really care.

"The doctor basically gave me an eating schedule for you." My dad says.

"Anything to get me back to a regular eating habit."

"I just hope it won't be hard."

"It won't be. I have all the support I need." Well almost.

I still haven't heard from Lilly or Mike. They spent New Years together.

I wonder if it would've been different if I wasn't in the hospital. If all my friends would've been with them and I would've been alone.

That's how I thought it was going to be. I go back to school next Monday and I'm highly not looking foreword to it at all.

Just in a few months the regular lacrosse season would start and we'd be on a normal practice schedule. I wonder how the rest of the team is doing?

I've been staring blankly at the snow covered buildings we've been passing. Somewhat losing track of time.

I remember Izzy. The coffee shop lady. Maybe I'll give her a call, see if I can come in this weekend. I feel a bit jumpy at the thought of preforming but maybe if I manage to drag Ellie along, it won't be so bad.

I notice the atmosphere around me has lifted. It doesn't seem so gloomy out. The Christmas lights filling the streets bring lots of joy. But I'm quite upset I wasn't in the best mood for Christmas.

We turn into my neighborhood. There are kids outside playing in the snow. The snow gave me the most comfort through everything for some odd reason. I'm going to be just a tiny bit sad when it all goes away.

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