Chapter 30

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"Come to our game tonight." Toby says.

"What time?" I ask shoving stuff into my backpack.

"Six. Make sure to yell at the bunnies for me too."

"I thought you love puck bunnies?" I smirk as I pull my backpack onto my shoulder and shut my door.

"Yeah but it's funny watching them get embarrassed."

Toby and I make our way to the front doors of the school.

It's Monday and we're back in this hellhole. I haven't talked to Colton in a few days. Not even in English. He's also ditched our lunch table along with Mike and Lilly.

"That's not very nice of you." I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Hey. I usually am the entertainment. Can I at least watch some clueless girls cry?" Toby says holding his hands up in surrender.

I push open the door for myself and let it fall back on Toby. Who sadly catches it instead of letting it hit his face.

"That's still mean." I give him a pointed look.

"Whatever." He says shaking his head. "So what's up with you and Colton? Are you guys broken up or what?" Toby asks.

"I don't know." If we are broken up our relationship did not last very long at all.

"Feels like I'm watching a soap opera with you two."

"Happy my relationship entertains you."

"Take it as a compliment really. I don't invest in any of these highschool relationships except you two."

My car and Toby's car comes into view. Molly standing next to mine waiting for me.

"Well I don't know if there will be a relationship for you to follow anymore." I say quietly. Hurt filling my stomach.

"You guys will work it out." Toby says confidently.

"You don't know that now." I say breathing slowly through my nose.

"I do know that. Because You're Colton and Lia."

We reach our cars and I greet Molly.

"Hey. You wanna go to their hockey game tonight?" I ask Molly. "You can just leave your stuff at my house and borrow my clothes if you have to."

"Sure!" Molly says.

I unlock my car and Molly places her bag on the passenger side.

"You better yell at the bunnies too." Toby says raising his eyebrows at Molly.

"Oh absolutely!" Molly says clasping her hands excited. "I hate bunnies." She narrows her eyes.

"Okay good we're both on the same page. See you guys at the rink!" Toby says before getting into his car.

Molly and I both give him a nod before he drives off.

I walk over to the drivers side of my car. As I do I scan the parking lot. The obvious reason is to look for Colton. Which I find with no problem. He leans against his car with his arms crossed. A blonde girl standing in front of him. Christina.

I look back at Colton to find that he's looking at me.

I quickly look away and throw my backpack in the backseat and get in my car.

I put my seatbelt on and look down at my brown hair.

At least I have blonde highlights.

I'm not his type at all.

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