My outfit?

"Do you not like it? Is it bad? I knew I shouldn't have worn it." I sit down and look down at my outfit that I swore was cute this morning but by the look on Mike's and Molly's face maybe it wasn't the best choice.

"No, it's just-"

Colton walks in and I look up at him. My jaw drops along with Mike's and Molly's.

White Air Force ones, dark blue jeans, black, t-shirt, and an all black windbreaker. I look Colton head to toe and toe to head.

The only thing different about our outfit is the color of our windbreaker and of course the cut but besides that it's almost like we planned it. Colton doing the same in return.

"I definitely wear it better." I say. Flipping my hair.

"Looks like I've got a stalker." Colton says sitting down.

"Oh shut up! I most definitely put this on first."

"So you guys didn't plan this?" Mike asks.

"No. Take it off." I joke.

"Gladly." Colton says playing with his pencil.

"I think it's cute." Molly says.

Colton and I stare at each other.

"Well I think this matching thing is weird." I say.

"I think Mer looks good." Colton smiles.

"Yeah whatever." I turn around in my seat.

"You guys want to take some couple pictures or something?" Mike asks.

"Haha very funny Mike." Colton says.

"Yeah please. Us dating? Put us on meds if we do." I say.

Excessive Lia, very excessive.


"You've been eating really well the past week." Colton says.

"I know and I'm proud." I smile.

I really am. I just figure that I need to distract myself. Try to eat often in small portions. It's hard for sure.

"Me too." Colton smiles.

"What about smoking?" I ask.

"I'll admit I still do it." My smile drops, "but when you're with me it's the last thing on my mind." He says. My smile comes back. "I think I deserve another treat tonight on top of the other one."

"We'll see." I say.

Jake walks in and he takes his seat behind me.

"Hey, Lia." He says sitting down.

Colton's about to be pissed again.

"Hi." I say.

"Are we presenting projects when Mrs. Merkel gets back?" He asks.

"Not sure." I keep my answers short.

What the hell is he doing?

"Mer." Colton gets my attention. "You have lax tonight?"


"Don't Tell my mom." Is all he says but I know what he's talking about.

"Wouldn't she find out though?"

"Nope." Colton smiles, "she's going out with her girlfriends tonight."

"Your dad?"


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