"I hate to say it coach." He begins and my dad winces. "But we're going to have to eject them."

My dad's hand goes up to his forehead and he rubs his temple.

"Okay." Is all he says.

Worst game ever.


Colton and I both sit in the locker room alone. Our bodies turned away from each other as much as they will allow as I clean his knuckles that are split open.

"I'm probably going to never be captain again after this game." He says shaking his head.

I don't reply. Instead, I hold down the alcohol wipe on his cut.

"Fuck. What the hell Lia!" He says batting my hands away and holding his hand close to him.

I look anywhere but his face.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" I say.

"I can clean my knuckles myself. I barely even have a scratch on my face. So I really don't need your help."

"Tell that to your blood stained nose and gash in your eyebrow." I cross my legs away from him. "You've never even used your own first aid kit."

"It can't be that hard." He says wiping his knuckles. "This hurts."

"You pretty much did this to yourself." I shrug.

"Yeah cause Jake's a bitch." He scoffs.

"I don't understand. Why was it so hard for you guys to share?" I throw my head back frustrated.

"I'll share the damn puck with him any day, Lia." He pauses what he's doing and looks at me, "but I'm not sharing you with anyone." His blue eyes are dark with anger.

"So that whole thing that happened on the ice wasn't about the fact that he had the puck?"

"What do you think?"

I roll my eyes and shake my head. Childish.

"You really are ridiculous, Colton."

"Sorry I didn't like the fact that someone was flirting with my girlfriend." He goes back to cleaning himself up.

"I didn't like it either but you don't see me beating him up." I scoff. "Don't act like I'm also okay with the fact that you were talking to Christina."

"Yeah I was just talking to her." He looks up at me with his eyebrows pulled together.

"And you've kissed her before. For all I know you've stuck your dick in her." I sigh. "Now the poor girl probably has the wrong idea."

Colton drops the wipe and swings one leg over the bench so his whole body is facing me. He moves so close to me I can feel his breath fan the side of my face.

"I'll make sure she doesn't have the wrong idea." He gently places a hand under my chin and turns my head to look at him, "I want to make sure everyone knows that you are mine." He growls.

"I'm sorry." I let out a dry laugh, "but didn't you just break up with me?"

He throws his head back frustrated.

"I was angry."

"You're still angry now." I point out the obvious.

"Shut up, Lia." He drops his hand from my face but I don't break eye contact.

"And I know you're angry with me because you're using my nickname, Lia." All of a sudden tears start forming in my eyes.

Ah stupid crybaby Lia.

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