"Okay, I agree. I'll give you girls my phone number and just text me about everything and I'll give you my address."

All of us give Izzy hoots of approval and excitement.

We basically just set her up on a little date with my dad.

"C'mon cheers to Izzy." Molly says holding up her coffee cup.

"I guess." Izzy says as we push our cups together.


I place the marker back down where I found it and examine my signature on Toby's cast.

"I have another few days in this place." Toby sighs, "no school."

"I can't imagine all the stuff you're going to miss." I start to feel anxious even though Toby doesn't seem to have a hint of it.

"I'll get lots of sympathy from teachers, trust me." He says which confirms the fact that he does not feel anxious about missing school at all.

"And what if you don't?"

"Then I'm fucked." He scoffs. And in that moment I saw anxiety run through his body. "You better get me my school work." He points his fingers that is wrapped in a cast at me.

"I planned on it."

"And you're helping me."

"Jeez. What am I, a slave?" I joke.

"Please. Never." Toby waves his good arm in the air, "can you feed me some water?" He adds onto the joke.

"Ugh, I guess." In reality I would have to anyways. He can't reach it. Luckily his mom is always with him, she just gave us some time alone.

"So. How's you and Colton?" He asks after gulping his water.

"We're doing quite well actually."

"Did you guys make up the night I almost died?"

"Yes. We did."

"How was the sex?" Toby smirks.

"Hey!" I flick his forehead, "it was great. Got absolutely railed."


"What's that supposed to mean?" I feel a little jealousy thinking maybe he railed some previous girls too.

"He's talked about wanting to rail you since you guys first started dating. Just Never knew when to do it."

"Alright. Enough with the sex talk." The jealousy feeling disappears. "How's it been one here?"

"Mediocre. I hate it sometimes. Love it some other times. I just wish I want bound to a bed or a wheelchair. It sucks very bad."

"How long before you can play puck?" Tough question.

"I'm out for the rest of the season. Meaning I technically only have one more year of puck left." I can see Toby sink into his bed like he wants to disappear.

"I'm sorry." I press my lips together and my hands go out in attempt to hold his.

"It's okay Lia. I still gave college too." His fingers squeeze my hand the best they can.

"I have some big news!" I say and we both perk up.

"Go on."

"I am now captain of the lacrosse team."

"I knew you were going to rejoin." Toby pumps his good fist in the air.


"I have to go grocery shopping then!" My dad says jumping up from the couch.

"We have plenty of food." I yell after his figure disappearing into the kitchen.

"Not enough to impress Izzy!" He says running back out the kitchen and raving the the front door. "I'll be back soon kids. Don't do anything silly." My dad points at Colton standing next to me.

I shake my head and hide my face in my hands.
I hear the front door shut and my face reappears.

"Do you like want to. Do something silly?" Colton asks innocently.

I stare at him, trying to be intimidating. I even place my hands on my hips. It doesn't seem to phase him as his eyes take me in sending chills down my spine.

"I have an idea!" I say as a literal lightbulb lights up in my head.

"What?" He asks taking a step toward me so I have to crane my neck to look up at him.

"Can we go watch the wittle babies play puck?" I tilt my head to the side and smile convincingly.

Now Colton stares down at me. He crosses his arms forcing some distance between us.

"Only because my baby girl asked." He uncross his arms and places his hands on both sides of my face pulling me in for a short kiss.

Totally not melting right now.

"But go change or else I will put a baby in you no matter when or where." He says after pulling away from the kiss and slightly killing the mood.

My hands go back to my hips. I'm wearing the same thing I was earlier after lax, minus the blue hoodie.

"First of all, too many people would kill you. Second of all, not in public!"

"You are right but no promises. And doing it in public will happen someday baby." He smirks.

As a response I playfully roll my eyes and head to my bedroom to change, Colton laughing behind me.

I go into my closet and grab a pair of black leggings to replace my shorts and just decide to wear the hoodie from earlier.

I take my shorts off and toss them to the side.

"Nice underwear." Colton says. "I'm a fan of thongs myself."

I turn around and glare at him. Before he can even know what I'm doing, I rip off my tank top and shoot it at his face.

"Yeah they're comfortable aren't they?" I turn back around and put on my leggings.

"They also make your ass look really nice in all sorts of pants." He says smacking my butt.

"We're Not doing it in public."

"Fine." The seductive tone he just had is gone from his voice. Which leaves me giggling.


We get into my car after the game. I feel pretty tired but also feel like I can keep going through the night.

"You wanna know something Mer?" Colton asks as we sit in my car that's off.

"Mhmm." My eyes focus on the clear sky as I buckle in.

"One day," he begins. He turns to look at me and I turn to look at him. Our undivided attention presented to each other. His grey eyes look quite literally into my soul, "we're going to have to go to U5 games. Not because we want to." Then he turns to put his seatbelt on.

It takes me a while to get it, but then I do.

"I love you." The words still taste new in my mouth.

"I love you too." He says turning back to look at me and then going in for a passionate kiss.

"Want to go to Connie's?" I ask after we pull away.

"Of course." He says smiling.

I turn my car on and drive to our secret diner.

Just mine and his.



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