Ch 24 - The Big Day

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Today was the big day, the day of the official start of the largest tournament in the world, the one that will crown the world champion. Ash knew that many strong trainers are participating, he knew he had to be careful, or else he will be crushed in battle, or burnt.

Ash woke up extra early, and so did Kiawe and Sophocles. They did the usual, turn on the T.V and made breakfast before they train. "Hey Ash, what're you having, I'm cooking this morning!" Kiawe shouted from the kitchen. "Eggs and Bacon please!" Ash shouted back. Once Ash heard the T.V turn on, he dashed to the living room. 

He swung around a corner and crashed into Sophocles. "Ow Ash! I was just about to get you, the news is on as well." "Oh, thanks." Ash sighed. The 3 boys both sat down on the couch and watched the early morning news.

"Now whoever is watching this early morning broadcast, thank you for tuning in for the start of the day, the start of the largest tournament in the World. As a note from Macro Cosmos, all trainers participating in the tournament and required to arrive at the main stadium before noon. After that, you will be given your match-ups for the first round. We have some statistics here, given to us by our report team, approximately 12,000 trainers are participating, much larger than previous regional conferences. With this, it is safe to say that the tournament will be going on for possibly over a month. Now with the tournament out the way, onto the News! Major ports in every region are crowded to get to the artificial island of which the tournament is being held on! Many people want to see the battles take place. The same can go for every city, every bar and pub are packed to the brim with Poke-enthusiasts and fans alike! It is safe to say that this will be the biggest event in Pokemon Tournament history! That is it for the early morning broadcast of Poke-World news, next broadcast will be at 8."

The boys were dumbfounded. "Wow... this tournament is a lot bigger than I thought, how many people are going to be watching us battle? I- uhh..." Sophocles was starting to get nervous and frightened. "So many people, Ash, what do you think of it?" Kiawe asked. "Wow, just wow." was all Ash was able to make out. The oven in the kitchen dinged, breakfast was ready. 

Kiawe served up the breakfast to everyone and then sat down at the dining table. "I think I know why a lot of people are participating now!" Sophocles said. "Really, why?" "It goes the same with how me, Kiawe and the others got in, the prerequisites were lowered, pretty much any trainer can take part in it." Sophocles said. "Even though someone might not be a champion or have participated in a conference, they might still be strong, they just haven't showed off their skill yet." "I get it, though there might be a lot of bad trainers as well." Ash pointed. The boys then started munching down their breakfast.

As they finished, Pikachu and Riolu, along with Kiawes and Sophocles pokemon. They all looked tired and hungry. "Just woke up guys? We'll get you some breakfast." Ash said. They all perked and looked lively again. "Food is the way to a Pokemon's heart by the looks of things." Kiawe sighed. "But don't forget, we're training after breakfast!" Sophocles yelled. The pokemon didn't care. "Right..."

Timeskip 4 hours

Ash, the boys and their Pokemon are tired from their 3 hours of training. Once they walked back into the main house, Burnet was in the kitchen, looking pretty ticked off. "Can you boys explain why there is such a mess in the Kitchen!?" Burnet shouted. Kiawe knew this was coming. "I'm sorry! We left in a hurry to train our pokemon before the tournament!" Kiawe yelled. Burnet sighed. "Is this the same for you boys as well?" Ash and Sophocles nodded. "Ok, well dont make this mess again, or else." The boys and their pokemon shuddered. "I didn't know she can be so scary." Ash said under his breath. "I heard that!" They dashed towards the main living area. 

They walked into the living area and saw everyone there. "Ash, Kiawe, Sophocles, how was your morning training?" Professor kukui exclaimed. "Pretty good thanks! I think we're ready for the tournament!" Ash said. "Great! Now, we have to at the stadium a bit before noon, we should leave in about 2 hours, so get ready you guys!" Kukui exclaimed as his energetic self. "Ok!"

Timeskip 2 hours

After everyone got ready, Professor Kukui hastily packed the car and they set off to the absolutely ginormous stadium. "Oh my god, I cant wait to battle!" Ash was excited as ever, with Kiawe reciprocating the same feelings. Even Sophocles was more excited than usual. The girls were also very excited. While the boys were training, they were also training their Pokemon, though not on the caliber as the boys were. 'Hey Ash, what place do you think your gonna come in the tournament?" Kiawe said. "I'm gonna win!" "No I'm gonna!" Kiawe and Ash said back and forth. "Ok boys, we get it, your both very excited for it. Maybe contain it for the battles." Lillie said. That seem to shut the boys up, though they were still jumping around.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the stadium. "Woah! So cool!" The boys said in unison, even Professor Kukui was excited now. "Its so big! It has different sections even!?" Kukui gasped when he looked at the map. "Show us the map then Kukui!" Mallow exclaimed. "Ok, ok, here ya go." 

All the kids looked at the map.

Explanation time!

So the stadium, or stadium complex as you will, is split up into 4 sections. A grass section, a fire section, a water section, and an electric section. Those sections also have their own sub-sections, with grass consisting of poison and fairy, with fire consisting over rock, ground and steel, water consisting of bug, ice, psychic and fighting, and electric consisting of flying and dragon. There is also one huge stadium in the middle, which showcases all the major and popular battles. There are different sections so that trainers can adapt to different situations and persevere in each of them. This statement was made by Macro Cosmos, saying that, "only the strongest will make it." 

Explanation over, back to the story...

"Looks like the first rounds are going to be shown in the main stadium, we should probably make our way over there now." Kukui suggested. They managed to weave through the hoards of people and make it too the main stadium.

"WOAH! ITS SO BIG! HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN FIT IN HERE!?" Ash was extremely surprised. "Well over a hundred thousand by the looks of stuff Ash." Lana said, somehow keeping a cool head. The sudden realisation hit Ash, he only now just realised how big this tournament actually was. He started to get nervous. Though he wasnt the only one nervous, if anything, all the trainers, or at least most of them, would be nervous as well.

It was only a while until someone took the stage. His name was...

Chairman Rose.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to the Pokemon Masters Tournament! I am Chairman Rose and I am delighted to see every single one of you here today!" Everyone cheered. "Now as you probably already know by now, this is the inauguration of the tournament, since this is where your first matchups will be announced! You should've been handed a mini projector at the gates to this stadium, turn it on and it will reveal your first opponent!"

Nearly everyone reached into their pockets and brought it out. Ash turned it on.

"Welcome, trainer Ash, welcome to your first matchup, your first opponent is, trainer Richard, in stadium 5 of the electric section."

Commotion then started in the stadium, talking about their first matchups. Chairman Rose interrupted. "Now I know everyone is excited, but get ready, the first battles start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning! See you then at the inaugurational battles!" Chairman Rose signed off. Everyone started cheering.

Ash started talking to himself. "Alright Ash, you can do this."

"Win, not just for me, but to prove myself."

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